On our way to Alishan on April 20, 2023, we stopped at the Chiayi Chukou Visitor Center to admire the blooming Pink shower tree, which was a joyous sight to behold. Cassia bakeriana, commonly called pink shower tree, is a small flowering tree. This tree is now grown primarily as an ornamental in tropical and subtropical areas around the world. It is noted for producing a showy display of fragrant pink-purple flowers with yellow stamens. Flowers are followed by large bean-like seed pods. Genus name comes from the Greek name for a genus of leguminous plants which provide the senna leaves and pods important in pharmacy.

Notes 筆記
- Cassia bakeriana, commonly called pink shower tree, is a small flowering tree. It is native to forested areas of Thailand and Myanmar. This tree is now grown primarily as an ornamental in tropical and subtropical areas around the world.
- It is noted for producing a showy display of fragrant pink-purple flowers with yellow stamens which bloom in early spring (March-April) in 4-10” long drooping racemes (20-40 flowers per raceme). Flowers are followed by large bean-like seed pods.
- Genus name comes from the Greek name for a genus of leguminous plants which provide the senna leaves and pods important in pharmacy. Specific epithet is believed to honor John Gilbert Baker (1834-1920) an English botanist or George Percival Baker (1856-1951) an English horticulturist.
- 花旗木,又稱絨果決明、桃紅陣雨樹、泰國櫻花、三月櫻。是一種小的開花樹。它原產於泰國和緬甸的森林地區。這種樹現在主要作為觀賞植物,種植在世界各地的熱帶和亞熱帶地區。
- 它以開出艷麗的芬芳粉紫色花朵和黃色雄蕊而聞名,在早春(三月至四月)開4-10英寸長的下垂總狀花序(每個總狀花序 20-40 朵花)。開花之後是大的豆狀種莢。
- 屬名來自豆科植物的希臘名稱,提供藥學中重要的番瀉葉和番瀉豆莢。據說種小名是為了紀念英國植物學家約翰·吉爾伯特·貝克(John Gilbert Baker,1834-1920 年)或英國園藝家喬治·珀西瓦爾·貝克(George Percival Baker,1856-1951年)而來。
Plants Posts 植物的帖子
References 參考資料
- Missouri Botanical Garden: Cassia bakeriana
- 維基百科: 花旗木