Bird: White-rumped shama (Copsychus malabaricus) 白腰鵲鴝

On our way to Kaohsiung Lighthouse in Taiwan, we saw this lovely white-rumped shama with its long tail raised as if to greet us. It is native to in the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia. It has a long tail that spreads out like a beautiful fan. The voice of this species is rich and melodious which makes them popular as cage birds in South Asia. I found a YouTube video that you can watch and listen to white-rumped shama singing. Its popularity as a cage-bird and songster has led to it being introduced elsewhere. It is considered an invasive species in Taiwan. The white-rumped shama is very territorial. The nest is built by the female alone while the male stands guard. Both adults feed the young although only the female incubates and broods.
我們在臺灣,在爬旗後山去高雄燈塔的途中,看到這隻可愛的白腰鵲鴝,翹起長長的尾巴,像是跟我們打招呼似的。它原產於印度次大陸和東南亞。俗稱長尾知渣、長尾四喜。它有長長的尾巴,張開來如一隻美麗的扇子,這種鳥的聲音渾厚婉轉,因此在南亞成為流行的籠鳥。我找到了一個 YouTube 視頻,你可以觀看並聆聽白腰鵲鴝的歌聲。由於它是很受歡迎的籠鳥和鳴禽,因而被引入其他地方。在臺灣被認為是入侵物種。白腰鵲鴝領地意識很強。巢由雌鳥獨自築巢,雄鳥守衛。儘管只有雌鳥負責孵化和育雛,但雌雄成鳥都會餵養幼雛。

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Photo Date: 2023.04.26 Location: Kaohsiung Cihou Mountain, Taiwan

Notes 筆記

  • The white-rumped shama is native to densely vegetated habitats in the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia. They have been introduced to Kauai, Hawaii, in early 1931 from Malaysia, and to Oahu in 1940. They have been introduced to Taiwan where they are considered an invasive species, eating native insect species and showing aggression towards native bird species.
  • In Asia, their habitat is dense undergrowth especially in bamboo forests. In Hawaii, they are common in valley forests or on the ridges of the southern Koolaus, and tend to nest in undergrowth or low trees of lowland broadleaf forests.
  • Males are glossy black with a chestnut belly and white feathers on the rump and outer tail. Females are more greyish-brown, and are typically shorter than males.
  • The voice of this species is rich and melodious which makes them popular as cage birds in South Asia. It is loud and clear, with a variety of phrases, and often mimics other birds.
  • The white-rumped shama is shy and somewhat crepuscular but very territorial. In South Asia, they breed from January to September but mainly in April to June laying a clutch of four or five eggs in a nest placed in the hollow of a tree.
  • During courtship, males pursue the female, alight above the female, give a shrill call, and then flick and fan out their tail feathers. This is followed by a rising and falling flight pattern by both sexes. If the male is unsuccessful, the female will threaten the male, gesturing with the mouth open.
  • The nest is built by the female alone while the male stands guard. Both adults feed the young although only the female incubates and broods.
  • They feed on insects in the wild but in captivity they may be fed on a diet of boiled, dried legumes with egg yolk and raw meat.
  • 白腰鵲鴝原產於印度次大陸和東南亞植被茂密的棲息地。俗稱長尾知渣、長尾四喜。它們於1931年初從馬來西亞引入夏威夷考艾島,並於1940年引入歐胡島。它們被引入台灣,被認為是入侵物種,吃當地昆蟲物種並對當地鳥類表現出攻擊性。
  • 在亞洲它們的棲息地是茂密的灌木叢,特別是竹林。在夏威夷它們常見於山谷森林或庫勞斯南部的山脊上,通常在低地闊葉林的灌木叢或低樹上築巢。
  • 雄鳥為亮黑色,腹部栗色,臀部和尾部外側有白色羽毛。 雌鳥為灰棕色,通常比雄性矮。
  • 這種鳥的聲音渾厚婉轉,因此在南亞成為流行的籠鳥。它聲音響亮、清晰,有多種不同的樂句,並經常模仿其他鳥類的叫聲。
  • 白腰鵲鴝很害羞,驅向晨昏活動型,但領地意識很強。在南亞,它們從一月到九月繁殖,但主要在四月到六月,在樹洞中的巢,產一窩四到五個蛋。
  • 在求偶期間,雄鳥會追逐雌鳥,落在雌鳥上方,發出尖銳的叫聲,然後快速的輕拍並扇開尾羽。接下來是雌雄兩性的起落飛行模式。如果雄鳥不成功,雌鳥就會張開嘴威脅雄鳥。
  • 巢由雌鳥獨自築巢,雄鳥守衛。儘管只有雌鳥負責孵化和育雛,但雌雄成鳥都會餵養幼雛。
  • 它們在野外以昆蟲為食,但在人工飼養條件下,它們可能會吃煮熟的干豆類、蛋黃和生肉。

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