Butterfly: Checkered White (Pontia protodice) 多形雲粉蝶

The Checkered White (or southern cabbage butterfly) is a species of common small to medium size butterflies in the family Pieridae found across the United States. When the wings are open, of male’s forewings display a checkered pattern in black on the outer half, while the females are more heavily patterned, though the markings are rather brown (than black), as also diffused. The host plants for this species include the mustard and the caper families. The caterpillars of the species primarily prefer buds, flowers, and fruits of host plants unlike the caterpillars of most other species that prefer leaves.


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Photo Date: 2023.10.11 Location: Santa Fe Dam, California
Photo Date: 2019.03.30 & 2020.07.03 Location: Southern California & Peck Road Park

Notes 筆記

  • Checkered white (Pontia protodice) or southern cabbage butterfly, is a common North American butterfly in the family Pieridae. Permanent resident in southern United States and northern Mexico; temporary in northern United States and southern Canada. Does not occur in most of New England.
  • Checkered White butterflies are often considered ‘trash’ butterflies because they thrive on weeds that grow at the side of roads and in abandoned fields.
  • The host plants for this species include the mustard and the caper families.
  • The upperside of the wings are white and marked with black and gray, more so on the female than on the male.
  • Its green larva is a type of cabbage worm.
  • The caterpillars of the species primarily prefer buds, flowers, and fruits of host plants unlike the caterpillars of most other species that prefer leaves.
  • 多形雲粉蝶(Pontia protodice)或南方捲心菜蝴蝶,是粉蝶科中常見的北美蝴蝶。常年居住在美國南部和墨西哥北部;暫時分佈於美國北部和加拿大南部。在新英格蘭大部分地區不會看到它們。
  • 多形雲粉蝶通常被認為是“垃圾”蝴蝶,因為它們能在路邊和荒野中生長的雜草上繁衍。
  • 翅膀上側為白色,並有黑色和灰色的標記,雌性比雄性更明顯。
  • 寄主植物包括芥菜科和刺山柑科。
  • 它的綠色幼蟲是一種白菜蠕蟲。
  • 大多數其他毛蟲喜歡寄居在葉子,但這種毛蟲卻喜歡寄居在植物的花苞、花和果實上。

References 參考資料

Insects Posts 昆蟲的帖子