Travel/POI: Joshua Tree National Park, California USA

Joshua Tree National Park is named after the Joshua trees (Yucca brevifolia) native to the Mojave Desert. Originally declared a national monument in 1936, Joshua Tree was redesignated as a national park in 1994. It is slightly larger than the state of Rhode Island. The park includes parts of two desert ecosystems, the higher elevation (3000-6000 ft) Mojave Desert and the lower elevation (below 3000 ft) Colorado Desert. The dominant geologic features at Mojave Desert are hills of bare rock, usually broken up into loose boulders. These hills are popular among rock climbing and scrambling enthusiasts. The flatland between these hills is sparsely forested with Joshua trees. It is forecasted that by 2099, the park will increase in temperature by 8 °F. This would make most of the national park unsuitable for Joshua tree growth. The Colorado Desert encompasses the eastern part of the park and features habitats of creosote bush scrub, ocotillo, desert saltbush, and mixed scrub including yucca and cholla cactus. You can also see the California fan palm, the only palm native to California, occurs naturally in five oases.

約書亞樹國家公園以原產於莫哈韋沙漠(Mojave Desert)的約書亞樹(Joshua tree)命名。 約書亞樹最初於1936年被稱作為國家紀念碑,於1994年被改為國家公園。它比羅德島州略大,包括了兩個沙漠生態系統的一部分,海拔較高(3000-6000英尺)的莫哈韋沙漠和海拔較低(3000英尺以下)的科羅拉多沙漠。莫哈韋沙漠的主要地質特徵是光秃秃的岩石山丘,常碎成分散的大巨石。這些山丘很受攀岩愛好者的喜愛。而在這些山丘之間的平地長有稀疏的約書亞樹森林。據預測到2099年,公園的溫度將升高8°F,這將使國家公園大部分的地區不適合約書亞樹的生長。科羅拉多沙漠圍繞著公園的東部,生長著木餾油灌木、福桂樹、沙漠濱藜和包括絲蘭和cholla仙人掌在內的混合灌木叢。您還可以看到絲葵(California fan palm),它是唯一一種原產於加利福尼亞州的棕櫚樹,自然生長在五個綠洲中。

Cholla Cactus Garden

Cholla Cactus Garden Nature Trail is a 0.25 miles easy loop trail. It is located off Pinto Basin Road. This trail leads you to a near 10 acre landscape dominated by the Teddy bear cholla which is covered in spines that will latch into your skin, shoes or clothes on the slightest touch, which is why they are also called Jumping Cholla, so you need to watch out for. It is why they are also called Jumping Cholla. But, it should not hold you back from enjoying the trail.

Cholla仙人掌花園自然步道是一條0.25英里的輕鬆環行步道。它位於Pinto Basin路旁。這條步道會帶您前往佔地近10英畝的景觀,主要是以Teddy bear cholla為主,這種cholla身上長滿刺,只要輕輕一碰就會扎進您的皮膚、鞋子或衣服中,這就是為什麼它們也被稱為 Jumping Cholla,因此您需要小心,但是並不該因而讓你怯步不去。

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Photo Date: 2023.03.17

The spot where Mojave Desert and Colorado Desert meets

Arch Rock Nature Trail and Heart Rock

We stopped at Twin Tanks located along Pinto Basin Road and took a short 1.4 mile hike on Arch Rock Nature Trail. Although I didn’t see arch rock, I still enjoyed seeing unique rocks and plenty of Joshua tree blooms.

我們在Pinto Basin路上的Twin Tanks停了下來,然後走1.4 英里的Arch Rock Nature步道。雖然我沒有看到拱形岩石,但我仍然看到許多獨特的岩石和約書亞樹花。

Skull Rock

From rain drops accumulation in tiny depressions, granite erosion, then more water accumulation and more erosion until two hollowed-out eye sockets formed and the rock began to resemble a skull. Skull Rock trail is a 1.7-mile nature trail. We didn't walk on the trail but only took a few pictures. (Note: The last 2 photos were taken on 2018.11.25.)

從雨滴積在小窪坑,花崗岩被侵蝕,然後更多的水積聚再經過更多的侵蝕,直到兩個挖空的眼窩形成,岩石開始像一個骷顱頭。Skull Rock 步道是一條1.7英里的步道。 我們沒有走這條路,只是拍了幾張照片。(註:最後兩張是2018.11.25拍的)

A random place where we saw people rock climbing

Barker Dam

Barker Dam, also known as the Big Horn Dam, is a dam with water-storage reservoir which was originally constructed in 1900 for the use of cattle and mining purposes. Barker Dam trail is an easy 1.1 mile (1.8 km) loop trail.


Barker Dam
(As of 2018.11.25, Having more water)

Hidden Valley Trail
(Photos taken on 2018.11.25)

The Hidden Valley Nature Trail Trailhead is located just off Park Boulevard. It is an easy one mile loop through Hidden Valley on a dirt and rock trail.

Hidden Valley 步道就位於公園大道(Park Boulevard)旁。 這是一個一英里環路,穿過Hidden Valley,沿著泥土和岩石的步道。

Keys View
(Photos taken on 2018.11.25)

Situated on the crest of the Little San Bernardino Mountains, this trail is a fully paved 500 foot (150 m) loop. From the top you will have a spectacular overlook of the Coachella Valley, the Salton Sea, Mt. San Jacinto, Mt. San Gorgonio, and the San Andreas fault.

這條步道位於小聖貝納迪諾(Little San Bernardino)山脈的山頂,是一條全長500英尺(150公尺)的環路。從頂部您可以俯瞰科切拉山谷(Coachella Valley)、索爾頓海(Salton Sea)、聖哈辛託山(Mt. San Jacinto)、聖戈爾戈尼奧山(Mt. San Gorgonio)和聖安德烈亞斯(San Andreas)斷層的壯麗景色。

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