Plant: Fivespot (Nemophila maculata) 粉蝶花斑

I found these cute little flowers called Fivespots next to Baby Blue Eyes at Peck Road Park. The bowl-shaped white flowers with dark veins and purple-spotted at the tips are very attractive.
我在 Peck Road Park 的粉蝶花 (Baby Blue Eyes) 旁邊看到了這些可愛的小花,叫做Fivespots。碗狀的白色花朵,深色的脈絡和尖端的紫色斑點非常吸引人。。

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Photo Date: 2023.03.12 Location:Peck Road Park

Notes 筆記

  • Nemophila maculata, commonly known as fivespot, is a species of flowering plant in the borage family. It is found on slopes in elevations between 20–1,000 metres (66–3,281 ft). The plant is endemic to California. It is most common in the Sierra Nevada, Sacramento Valley, and the California Coast Ranges in the San Francisco Bay Area. It is found in several plant communities, including valley grassland, foothill woodland, and pine and fir forest.
  • Nemophila maculata is an annual herb that flowers in the spring. The flowers are bowl-shaped, white with dark veins and dots. The lobe tips are purple-spotted. The flowers' spots, giving the common name fivespot, attracts its primary pollinators, which are solitary bees. The seeds are greenish-brown and are smooth or shallowly pitted. The fruit produces up to 12 seeds.
  • 粉蝶花斑俗稱fivespot,是琉璃苣科的一種開花植物。它出現在海拔20-1,000公尺(66-3,281英尺)之間的斜坡上。它是加州特有種,它最常見於舊金山灣區的內華達山脈、薩克拉門託山谷和加州海岸山脈。在幾個植物群中都可看到它,像山谷草原、山麓林地以及松樹和冷杉林。
  • 粉蝶花斑是一種一年生草本植物,在春天開花。花呈碗狀,白色,有深色脈紋和圓點。葉尖有紫色斑點。花的斑點而得俗名fivespot,它的主要傳粉者為獨居蜜蜂。種子呈綠褐色,光滑或有淺凹坑。果實最多可結出12粒種子。

References 參考資料

Plants Posts 植物的帖子