Bird: Yellow-rumped warbler (Setophaga coronata) 黃腰林鶯

In the United States, the Yellow-rumped warbler is a widely distributed bird that can be seen from the east coast to the west coast and from north to south. Though the color palette is subdued all winter, you can see these birds on their spring migration or on their breeding grounds. Spring molt brings a transformation, leaving them a dazzling mix of bright yellow, charcoal gray and black, and bold white. After looking for information for a while, what confuses me is that Google Lens often identifies this bird as an Audubon Warbler. Then I realized Audubon's warbler (Setophaga auduboni) was long known to be closely related to its eastern counterpart, the myrtle warbler, and at various times the two forms have been classed as separate species or grouped as the yellow-rumped warbler
在美國黃腰林鶯是一種分佈很廣的鳥,從東岸到西岸,從北到南都可能看得到。雖然在冬季它們的顏色暗淡些,但在春季遷徙或繁殖地上,因為春季換羽帶來的變化,使它們成為明亮的黃、木炭灰、黑以及白色的耀眼混合色,使你更容易看到這種鳥。找了一陣子資料,讓我迷惑不解的是谷歌鏡頭常認定這種鳥是奧杜邦林鶯 (Setophaga auduboni),然後我才知道長久以來奧杜邦鶯 一直被認為與其東部對應的黃腰白喉林鶯(myrtle warbler)密切相關,在不同時期這兩種鳥被歸類為不同的物種或一起歸類為黃腰林鶯。

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Photo Date: 2018.02.20 Location: Los Angeles Arboretum
Photo Date: 2020.12.17 Location: Peck Road Park

Notes 筆記

  • The species combines four closely related forms: the eastern Myrtle Warbler (spp. coronata); its western counterpart, Audubon’s Warbler (spp. group auduboni); the northwest Mexican Black-fronted Warbler (spp. nigrifrons); and the Guatemalan Goldman’s Warbler (spp. goldmani).
  • The genus name Setophaga is from Ancient Greek ses, “moth”, and phagos, “eating”, and the specific coronata means “crowned”.
  • The Yellow-rumped Warbler breeds from eastern North America west to the Pacific, and southward from there into Western Mexico.
  • Yellow-rumped Warblers eat mainly insects in the summer. They also eat spruce budworm, a serious forest pest, during outbreaks. On migration and in winter they eat great numbers of fruits, particularly bayberry and wax myrtle, which their digestive systems are uniquely suited among warblers to digest. The habit is one reason why Yellow-rumped Warblers winter so much farther north than other warbler species.
  • 這物種結合了四種密切相關的類型:東部黃腰林鶯(spp. coronata); 西部的奧杜邦林鶯(spp. group auduboni); 西北部墨西哥黑喉林鶯 (spp. nigrifrons); 和瓜地馬拉的戈德曼林鶯 (spp. goldmani)。
  • Setophaga的屬名稱來自古希臘”蛾”和”食”,而coronata意為“加冕”。
  • 黃腰林鶯從北美洲東部一直向太平洋西側繁殖,並從南進入墨西哥西部。
  • 黃腰林鶯夏季主要以昆蟲為食。在疾病爆發期間,它們還會吃雲杉色卷蛾,這是一種嚴重的森林害蟲。在遷徙和冬天,它們吃大量的水果,特別是楊梅和南部楊梅,它們的消化系統在鶯類中特別適合消化這些果實。這種習性是黃腰林鶯比其他鶯種在更北的地方越冬的原因之一。

References 參考資料

Birds Posts 鳥的帖子