Bird: Black-throated Gray Warbler (Setophaga nigrescens) 黑喉灰林鶯

I saw this little Black-throated Gray Warbler when I took a walk at Peck Road Park. It jumped up and down (not fast) for food. It was very cute. It is mainly distributed in the western part of North America. The habitats it prefers are coniferous and mixed forests and scrubland.

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Photo Date: 2021.04.11 Location: Peck Road Park

Notes 筆記

  • The black-throated gray warbler has mostly black, gray, and white plumage. It wears only a tiny spot of yellow just above and in front of the eye. It breeds in western North America from British Columbia to New Mexico, and winters in Mexico and the southwestern United States.
  • The habitats it prefers are coniferous and mixed forests and scrubland, especially those with pinyon pines, junipers, sagebrush, and oaks.
  • Black-throated Gray Warblers primarily eat insects that they pluck from trees and shrubs. They tend to forage in the lower to middle levels of the forest, moving with slow, deliberate hops while looking around for insects.
  • The Black-throated Gray Warbler is a short- to medium-distance migrant. It migrates to the south late in the fall, returning north in mid-spring. While migrating, it forages in any woodland or scrub it passes through. In its wintering grounds, it occurs in dry woodland and tall scrub.
  • Its nest is an open cup of plant fibers lined with feathers, built a few meters from the ground in the branches of a tree or shrub.
  • Three to five eggs are laid, and young are fed by both parents.
  • 黑喉灰林鶯通常有黑色,灰色和白色的羽毛。它在眼睛的上方和前方有一個很小的黃色斑點。它在北美洲西部從不列顛哥倫比亞省到新墨西哥州繁殖,在墨西哥和美國西南部過冬。
  • 它喜歡的棲息地有針葉林、混交林和灌木叢,尤其是那些有矮松、杜松、灌木蒿和橡樹的地方。
  • 黑喉灰林鶯主要吃從樹木和灌木中採集的昆蟲。它們傾向於在森林的中低層覓食。以緩慢的蹦跳移動方式在四處尋找昆蟲。
  • 黑喉灰林鶯是中短距離的侯鳥。它在秋天末期遷移到南部,在春季中期返回北部。遷移時,它會在任何林地或灌水叢中覓食。在過冬地,它會在乾燥的林地和高灌木叢中覓食。
  • 它的巢是一個打開的杯狀植物纖維,內襯羽毛,建在離地面幾尺高的樹或灌木上。
  • 產三到五個蛋,雌雄親鳥都會餵食。

References 參考資料

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