Bird: Audubon's warbler (Setophaga auduboni) 奧杜邦林鶯

The Audubon's warbler was originally called the Yellow-Rumped Warbler along with the Myrtle warbler. That is why I was so confused when I used Google Lens to identify the bird. Since they are very similar, I won't write the notes for the Audubon's warbler. If you are interested in more details about it, I have a post regarding Yellow-Rumped Warbler.

奧杜邦林鶯 (Setophaga auduboni)最初與黃腰白喉林鶯(myrtle warbler)一起被稱為黃腰林鶯(Yellow-Rumped Warbler)。這就是為什麼我在使用 Google Lens 識別這隻鳥時感到很困惑的原因。由於它們非常相似,所以我就不為奧杜邦林鶯寫筆記。如果你對它的細節感興趣,我有一篇關於黃腰林鶯的帖子。

Image Gallery-Click to enlarge 圖片庫-點擊放大

Photo Date: 2023.03.08 Location: Santa Fe Dam, California

Notes 筆記

  • The Audubon's warbler was originally called the Yellow-Rumped Warbler along with the Myrtle warbler. However, in 1973 scientists began to differentiate between them. Regionally, these subspecies are differentiated with the Myrtle warbler belonging to the eastern United States and the Audubon's warbler being found in the west. Intermediate forms of the species can also exist when their breeding ranges overlap like in the hybrid zone in the United States and western Canada. A study done in 2011 concluded that Audubon's warbler is itself the result of hybridization of the myrtle warbler and black-fronted warbler. The study found that Audubon's warbler and the myrtle warbler share mitochondrial DNA and migratory patterns and northern Audubon's warblers’ nuclear allele frequency and wing span were an average between the Myrtle Warbler and black-fronted warbler while southern Audubon's warblers allele frequency and wing span mimicked the black-fronted warbler.
  • 奧杜邦林鶯 (Setophaga auduboni)最初與黃腰白喉林鶯(myrtle warbler)一起被稱為黃腰林鶯(Yellow-Rumped Warbler)。然而在1973年科學家們開始區分它們,在區域上屬於美國東部的黃腰白喉林鶯亞種和西部的奧杜邦林鶯亞種是有差別的。當它們的繁殖範圍重疊時,例如在美國和加拿大西部的雜交區,這物種的中間形式也可能存在。2011年進行的一項研究得出結論,奧杜邦林鶯本身就是黃腰白喉林鶯和黑喉林鶯雜交的結果。研究發現,奧杜邦林鶯和黃腰白喉林鶯有相同的粒線體DNA和遷徙模式,北部奧杜邦林鶯的等位基因頻率和翼展是黃腰白喉林鶯和黑喉林鶯之間的平均值,而南部奧杜邦林鶯的等位基因頻率和翼展類似於黑喉林鶯。

References 參考資料

Birds Posts 鳥的帖子