Plant: Mexican Prickly Poppy (Argemone mexicana) 薊罌粟

Mexican Prickly Poppy’s brilliant blooms are quite attractive, but the rest of the plant is armed with sharp spines. When you enjoy looking at the flowers, you need to watch out and do not get too close to them.

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Photo Date: 2021.07.20 Location: LA Arboretum

Notes 筆記

  • Argemone mexicana has several common names: Mexican poppy, Mexican prickly poppy, flowering thistle, cardo or cardosanto. It is a species of poppy found in Mexico.
  • It is tolerant of drought and poor soil.
  • Mexican pricklypoppy’s showy yellow to yellowish-orange flowers are 1–3 inches wide and cup-shaped with six petals. It blooms winter through summer, typically peaking in early spring and drawing a variety of pollinators.
  • The plant is poisonous if ingested but has been used medicinally by many cultures. Seed capsules and stems emit a toxic yellowish latex when split open. The seeds contain a pale-yellow oil (also known as katkar oil) that is also toxic. The oil may be used for lighting and as an insecticide.
  • 薊罌粟(老鼠藶)有數個俗名: 墨西哥罌粟、墨西哥多刺罌粟、開花薊、cardo或cardosanto. 它是在墨西哥的一種罌粟。
  • 它耐乾旱和貧瘠的土壤。
  • 薊罌粟艷麗的黃色至橙黃色花朵寬 1-3 英寸,呈杯狀,有六個花瓣。它從冬天到夏天開花,通常在早春達到頂峰並吸引各種傳粉媒介。
  • 這種植物如果被攝入是有毒的,但已被許多文化拿來當作藥用。 種子蒴果和莖裂開時會散發出有毒的淡黃色乳膠。種子含有一種也有毒的淡黃色油(也稱為卡特卡爾油)。這種油可用於照明和殺蟲劑。

References 參考資料

Plants Posts 植物的帖子