Plant: Matilija Poppy (Romneya)

In the garden of Santa Fe Dam Nature Center, Matilija Poppy is blooming in April. They are taller than regular poppies. The size of the flowers are also very large. They produce the largest flowers of any members of the poppy family. The bright yellow stamens in the center, with white petals, is like a fried egg. No wonder it is called a “fried egg flower”.
在聖達菲大壩自然中心 (Santa Fe Dam Nature Center) 的花園,四月時正盛開著Matilija Poppy。它比一般的罌粟花都高,花朵也特別大,它是罌粟科中有最大花朵的罌粟 。正中的鮮黃色雄蕊,配上白色的花瓣,由如荷包蛋,無怪被稱之為“荷包蛋花”。

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Photo Date: 2021.04.27 Location: Santa Fe Dam Nature Center

Notes 筆記

  • Romneya is a genus of flowering plants belonging to the poppy family. There are two species in genus Romneya, which was named for Irish astronomer John Thomas Romney Robinson. They are known commonly as Matilija poppies or tree poppies. They are native to California and northern Mexico.
  • They are perennial subshrubs with woody stems. They may grow to a height of 2.5 meters (8.2 feet) .
  • They are notable for their large white flowers with intense yellow centers, blooming in summer. Romneya produce the largest flowers of any members of the poppy family. These flowers prefer a warm, sunny spot and fertile soil with good water drainage. They are not easily grown but once established are difficult to remove.
  • In the wild, they are known as “fire followers” as they can be frequently, but not exclusively, found in burned areas. It is also known as the “fried egg flower” or “fried egg plant”.
  • Romneya屬於罌粟科的一種開花植物。這屬有兩種,以愛爾蘭天文學家John Thomas Romney Robinson命名。 它們通常被稱為馬蒂利亞(Matilija)罌粟或樹罌粟。它們原產於美國加州和墨西哥北部。
  • 它們是有木質莖的多年生亞灌木。 它們可能會長到2.5公尺(8.2英尺)的高度。
  • 它們以大的白色花朵而著名,有鮮黃色的中心,於夏季開花。Romneya是罌粟科中最大的花朵。這些花喜歡溫暖,陽光充足且肥沃排水良好的土壤。它們並不容易生長,但是一旦長好就很難去除。
  • 在野外,它們被稱為“火的追隨者”,因為它們經常(但並不限於)在燒毀過的地區出現。它也被稱為“荷包蛋花”或“荷包蛋植物”。

References 參考資料

Plants Posts 植物的帖子