Plant: Camellia 山茶屬

From January to March, I see camellia blooming near my house. In the Huntington Library especially, I have seen all kinds of camellia which are remarkable. The following camellia photos were taken from my neighborhood so I would not know what species they are. Do you know there are 100–300 described camellia species and there are also around 3,000 hybrids? Each one is unique and beautiful.

一到三月在我家附近可以看到不同種盛開的茶花。特別是在亨廷頓圖書館,更是可以看到各色各樣的茶花,令人眼花撩亂。以下山茶花照片是從別人家的院子照的,所以我不知道它們是什麼品種。 您知道有記述過的山茶種類有100–300種,也有大約3,000種雜交種嗎?每一種都獨特而美麗。

Photo Date: Various dates Location: Southern California


  • Camellias are found in eastern and southern Asia, from the Himalayas east to Japan and Indonesia. There are 100–300 described species. There are also around 3,000 hybrids.
  • The genus was named by Linnaeus after the Jesuit botanist Georg Joseph Kamel, who worked in the Philippines and described a species of camellia.
  • Camellias are evergreen shrubs or small trees up to 20 m (66 ft) tall. Their flowers are usually large and conspicuous. The colors of the flowers vary from white through pink colors to red; truly yellow flowers are found only in South China and Vietnam. Tea varieties are always white-flowered.
  • There is great variety of flower forms:
    • single (flat, bowl- or cup-shaped)
    • semi-double (rows of large outer petals, with the center comprising mixed petals and stamens)
    • double:
      • paeony form (convex mass of irregular petals and petaloid with hidden stamens)
      • anemone form (one or more rows of outer petals, with mixed petaloid and stamens in the center)
      • rose form (overlapping petals showing stamens in a concave center when open)
      • formal double (rows of overlapping petals with hidden stamens)
  • The so-called “fruit” of camellia plants is a dry capsule, sometimes subdivided in up to five compartments, each compartment containing up to eight seeds.
  • Of economic importance in East Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Indian subcontinent, leaves of C. sinensis are processed to create the popular beverage tea.
  • The ornamental C. japonica, C. sasanqua and their hybrids are the source of hundreds of garden cultivars.
  • Tea oil is a sweet seasoning and cooking oil made by pressing the seeds of C. oleifera. Relatively little-known outside East Asia, it is the most important cooking oil for hundreds of millions of people, particularly in southern China.
  • Camellia oil is commonly used to clean and protect the blades of cutting instruments.
  • Camellia oil pressed from seeds of C. japonica, also called tsubaki oil or tsubaki-abura in Japanese, has been traditionally used in Japan for hair care. C. japonica plant is used to prepare traditional anti-inflammatory medicines.
  • Camellias were cultivated in the gardens of China and Japan for centuries before they were seen in Europe. The first living camellias seen in England were in 1739.
  • The camellia is the state flower of Alabama.
  • The camellia was a symbol of Brazil’s abolitionist movement during the Imperial Age. It was common practice for abolitionists to plant camellias in a show of solidarity.
  • 山茶花分佈在東亞和南亞,從喜馬拉雅山脈東部到日本和印尼。有記述過的物種有100–300個。大約還有3,000個雜交種。
  • 林奈(Linnaeus)命名了這個屬,是在菲律賓工作的耶穌會的植物學家喬治·約瑟夫·卡梅爾(Georg Joseph Kamel)描述了一種山茶花之後。
  • 山茶花是常綠灌木或不超過20公尺(66英尺)高的小樹。 它們的花通常大而顯眼。 花的顏色從白色到粉紅色到紅色不等。 黃色花朵僅在華南和越南看得到。 茶品種的花都是白花。
  • 花的種類繁多:
    • 單瓣花(扁平,碗形或杯形)
    • 部分重瓣花(成排的大的外花瓣,中心混合了花瓣和雄蕊)
    • 重瓣花
      • 牡丹花狀(不規則花瓣和花瓣型隱藏雄蕊的大凸狀)
      • 銀蓮花狀(一排或多排外花瓣,中間混合花瓣和雄蕊)
      • 玫瑰花狀(開花時重疊花瓣的凹形中心會露出雄蕊)
      • 正式的重瓣花(一排排重疊的花瓣有著隱藏的雄蕊)
  • 所謂山茶花植物的“果實”是乾燥的莢膜,有時最多有五個隔間,每個隔間最多有八粒種子。
  • 山茶樹的葉子經過加工後可製成受歡迎的茶飲料,在東亞,東南亞和印巴孟次大陸有重要的經濟價值。
  • 觀賞用的山茶,茶梅及其雜交種是數百種花園栽培種的來源。
  • 茶油是一種甜的調味料和食用油,它是壓製油茶的種子製成的。 在東亞以外相對鮮為人知,但它是成千上萬的人(尤其是中國南部地區)最重要的食用油。
  • 茶花油常用來清潔和保護切削工具的刀片。
  • 從日本山茶種子中榨取的山茶油,在日本稱為“椿油”,傳統上被用於護髮。山茶用來備製傳統的消炎藥。
  • 在歐洲之前,中國和日本已種植山茶花幾個世紀。1739年在英國才有了第一批活的茶花。
  • 山茶花是阿拉巴馬州的州花。
  • 山茶花是巴西帝國時代廢奴運動的象徵。 廢奴主義者常種植山茶花來表示聲援。


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