Plant: Camellia Species (Partial) 山茶屬部分種類

There are more than two hundred accepted species in the Camellia genus. I have collected a few photos for some species.


Camellia hybrids 山茶雜交種

Camellia ‘High Fragrance’ 烈香

  • Species: Non-reticulata hybrid
  • Color: Pale ivory pink with deeper pink shading at edge with white filaments and yellow anthers
  • Form: Peony form
  • Size: Medium
  • Synonym: Liexiang. 天香, 烈香
  • Additional Info: Originated by J.R. Finlay, Whangarei, New Zealand as a seedling of Bertha Harms x (Salab x Scentuous). 1985 published/registered. It has a strong C. lutchuensis fragrance. Flowers mid-season to late.
  • 品種: 非滇山茶雜交種
  • 顏色: 淡象牙粉紅色,花瓣邊緣粉色略深,白花絲和黃花藥
  • 型狀: 牡丹型
  • 尺寸大小: 中
  • 同義名: Liexiang. 天香, 烈香
  • 補充資料: 起源於紐西蘭旺格雷的J.R. Finlay,作為 Bertha Harms x (Salab x Scentuous) 的幼苗。 1985 年出版/註冊。 它有很強的琉球連蕊茶 (C. lutchuensis) 的香味。 花期中至晚。
Photo Date: 2022.02.03 Location: The Huntington Library

Camellia ‘Minato-no-akebono’ 港曙

  • Species: Camellia hybrid
  • Color: Light pink with gold anthers and white filaments; Fragrant
  • Form: Single
  • Size: Miniature
  • Synonym: Gangzhishu
  • 品種: 山茶雜交種
  • 顏色: 淡粉色,帶有金色花藥和白色花絲, 有香氣
  • 型狀: 單瓣
  • 尺寸大小: 迷你
  • 同義名: Gangzhishu
Photo Date: 2022.02.03 Location: The Huntington Library

Camellia ‘Umegaki’

  • Species: Camellia hybrid
  • Color: Deep pink
  • Form: Single
  • Size: large
  • Synonym: Screen of Apricot Blossoms, 梅垣 うめがき
  • Additional Info: Originated in Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan.
  • 品種: 山茶雜交種
  • 顏色: 深粉色
  • 型狀: 單瓣
  • 尺寸大小: 大
  • 同義名: Screen of Apricot Blossoms, 梅垣 うめがき
  • 補充資料: 在日本熊本縣培育。
Photo Date: 2022.03.03 Location: The Huntington Library

Camellia Cuspidata 尖連蕊茶

  • Leaves are a glossy dark green, and its flowers, which measure 2-3 cm across, are pure white. It flowers from December-April, and fruits from August-October.
  • It is native to China. It occurs in the provinces of Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Zhejiang.
  • Cuspidata means 'suddenly narrowed to a short, rigid tip', like a canine tooth. The seeds contain oil, which can be used for lubrication and printing oil.
  • 葉子是光亮的深綠色,花是純白色寬 2-3公分。12-4月開花,8-10月結果。
  • 原產中國,分布於安徽、福建、廣東、廣西、貴州、湖北、湖南、江西、陝西、四川、雲南、浙江等地。
  • Cuspidata 的意思是“突然變窄成短而堅硬的尖端”,就像犬齒一樣。別名尖葉山茶。種子含油,可作潤滑及印油。
Photo Date: 2021.02.19 Location: The Huntington Library

Camellia hiemalis 冬红短柱茶

  • Leaves coriaceous, elliptic or oblong, 6-9 cm long 3-4 cm wide, lateral veins 7 pairs, serrulate. Flowers pink or white, sessile, 5 cm in diameter.
  • Only known in cultivation, originally from China and Japan.
  • 葉革質,橢圓形或長圓形,長6-9公分,寬3-4公分,側脈7對,有細鋸齒。 花粉紅色或白色,無柄,直徑5公分。
  • 僅限於栽培,原產於中國和日本。

Camellia Hiemalis ‘Kanjiro’

  • Species: The Kanjiro Camellia is a hybrid plant developed from two species, Camellia sasanqua and Camellia japonica. The resulting hybrid is called Camellia × hiemalis.
  • Color: Rose-Pink
  • Form: Informal Double
  • Size: Large
  • Additional Info: Bred in Japan. The Kanjiro Camellia was released in 1954.
  • 品種:Kanjiro山茶是由茶梅和山茶兩個品種培育而成的雜交種。 被稱為冬红短柱茶。
  • 顏色:玫瑰粉色
  • 型狀: 不完全重瓣
  • 尺寸大小: 大
  • 補充資料: 產於日本。 於1954年上市。
Photo Date: 2021.02.19 Location: The Huntington Library

Camellia japonica subspecies rusticana 短柄山茶

  • This subspecies is pubescent and the petioles are relatively short, flower perules relatively short, petals connate and relatively tiny, stamens relatively short.
  • Distribution: High snowfall zones adjacent to the Sea of Japan in northwestern Honshu Island, Japan; Elevation: 100-1,000m; Specific locality: Yatsuo Village (near Toyama City), Toyama Prefecture, Japan.
  • 該亞種具有被毛,葉柄較短,花的苞被片較短,花瓣合生且較小,雄蕊較短。
  • 分佈:日本西北部靠近曰本海降雪較多的地帶,海拔:100-1,000公尺,特定地點:日本富山縣Yatsuo村(富山市附近)。

Camellia rusticana 'Hanamigasa' 花見笠

  • Color: Blush white ground having soft pink patches and crimson streaks with yellow anthers
  • Form: Rose form to formal double
  • Size: Medium
  • Synonym: Huajianli
  • Additional Info: Originated in Kubiki-gun, Niigata Prefecture, Japan. Collected, named and released by Tokuji Ōoka in 1970.
  • 顏色: 花白色,泛粉红色調,帶深紅色條紋,黃色花藥。
  • 型狀: 重瓣~玫瑰型
  • 尺寸大小: 中
  • 同義名: Huajianli
  • 補充資料: 起源於日本新潟縣Kubiki-gun。 1970年由Tokuji Ōoka收集、命名並發行。
Photo Date: 2023.03.02 Location: The Huntington Library

Camellia reticulata (syn. C. heterophylla) 滇山茶

  • Leaves elliptic, 10 cm long, serrate, sometimes slightly obtuse. Bracts and sepals 10; petals 5-7, 5-6 cm long. The flowers are 7–10 cm (2.8–3.9 in) in diameter, or larger in some cultivars, soft-pink to deep-pink and rarely almost white, with 5–7 petals or more in some cultivars.
  • Native to southwestern China, in Yunnan and Sichuan Provinces.
  • 葉橢圓形,長10公分,有鋸齒,有時稍鈍。苞片和萼片10;花瓣5-7,長5-6公分。 花的直徑為7-10公分(2.8-3.9英寸),某些品種或許更大,顏色呈淡粉色至深粉紅色,幾乎很少是白色的,在某些品種中有5-7片或更多花瓣。
  • 原產中國西南部,雲南、四川兩省。又名大茶花、唐山茶、雲南山茶

Camellia reticulata ‘Mandalay Queen’ 滿清皇后

  • Species: Reticulata hybrid
  • Color: Rose Pink With Yellow Anthers - Petaloids Variegated
  • Form: Semidouble With Fluted Petals
  • Size: Very Large
  • Synonym: 满清皇后, 曼陀拉女皇
  • Additional Info: A 10 year old chance seedling of ‘Tali Queen’ (Dali Cha) that first bloomed 1961. Originated by the Shade & Shadow Nursery, Mountain View, California, USA. 1963 published/registered. Received the “Aubrey Harris Hybrid Award”, 1975 and the “Frank L. Stormont Reticulata Award”, 1970.
  • 品種: 滇山茶雜交種
  • 顏色: 玫瑰紅與黃色花藥 - 花瓣雜色
  • 型狀: 瓣端微凹的半重瓣型
  • 尺寸大小: 巨大
  • 同義名: 满清皇后, 曼陀拉女皇
  • 補充資料: 1961 年首次開花的“塔利女王”(Dali Cha) 的10年實生苗。起源於美國加州山景城的 Shade Shadow 苗圃。 1963 年出版/註冊。 1975 年獲得“Aubrey Harris 雜交種獎”,1970 年獲得“Frank L. Stormont 滇山茶獎”。

Photo Date: 2022.03.03 Location: The Huntington Library

Camellia ‘Dr Clifford Parks’ 帕克斯先生

  • Species: C. reticulata × C. japonica
  • Color: Red with orange cast
  • Form: Anemone-form
  • Size: Very Large
  • Synonym: Doctor Clifford Parks, Pakesi Xiansheng, 克里福德帕克斯博士
  • Additional Info: First bloomed in 1970; Place of origination is Los Angeles State & County Arboretum, Arcadia, California. Pollen parent is C. japonica ‘Kramer’s Supreme’ and seed parent is C. reticulata ‘Crimson Robe’. It has received the “Frank L. Stormont Reticulata Award” for 1976, the “William E. Woodroof Camellia Hall of Fame Award” for 1983, the “Aubrey Harris Hybrid Award” for 1977 and the “National Hall of Fame Award” for 1979, 1981 and 1982.
  • 品種: 滇山茶與山茶花的雜交種
  • 顏色: 花紅色,泛橘紅色調
  • 型狀: 銀蓮花型
  • 尺寸大小: 巨大
  • 同義名: Doctor Clifford Parks, Pakesi Xiansheng, 克里福德帕克斯博士
  • 補充資料: 1970年首次開花; 原產地是加州阿卡迪亞的洛杉磯州縣植物園。 父本是山茶花 'Kramer's Supreme',母本是滇山茶 'Crimson Robe'。 它獲得了 1976 年的 “Frank L. Stormont 滇山茶獎”、1983 年的 “William E. Woodroof 山茶名人堂獎”、1977 年的 “Aubrey Harris 雜交種獎”和 1979, 1981 和 1982 年的 “國家名人堂獎”。
Photo Date: 2021.02.04 Location: The Huntington Library

Camellia rosaeflora 玫瑰連蕊茶

  • Leaves elliptic, petals red, filament tube equal in length to the free filaments, ovaries glabrous.
  • Distribution: Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Sichuan and Hubei Provinces.
  • 葉橢圓形,花瓣紅色,花絲管與游離花絲等長;子房無毛。
  • 分佈於江蘇、浙江、四川和湖北等省。
Photo Date: 2021.02.04 Location: The Huntington Library

Camellia semiserrata 南山茶

  • Leaves elliptic. Flowers brilliant red, flowering in February to April, cup shape, petals 6-9, apex emarginate, stamens dispersed into 3-5 cluster in the center. Fruit mature in late October
  • Distributed in the Xijiang area of Guangdong, China and the southeast of Guangxi, in mountains at an altitude of 200-350 meters.
  • 葉橢圓形,大紅色花,2-4月開花,杯狀,花瓣6-9片,先端微缺,雄蕊中央散生成3-5簇。 果實10月下旬成熟。
  • 分佈於中國廣東西江一帶及廣西的東南部,海拔200-350米山地。
Photo Date: 2021.03.04 Location: The Huntington Library


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