Plant: Camellia japonica Cultivars 山茶花變種 (F-L)

Camellia japonica ‘Finlandia Variegated’ 芬蘭斑

  • Color: White Streaked Crimson
  • Form: Semi-double With Swirled And Fluted Petals
  • Size: Medium
  • Synonym: Aurora Borealis, Finalandia Variegated, Finlandi Variegated , Finlandia Speckled, Finlandia Variegata, Margaret Jack, Speckles, Variegated Finlandia, 芬蘭國旗(斑), 複色芬蘭迪亞
  • Additional Info: It is considered that this cultivar is the parent of the Finlandia complex of sports and that it originated in Japan.
  • 顏色: 白色底、深紅條紋
  • 型狀: 半重瓣,花瓣帶漩渦狀,邊緣有凹槽
  • 尺寸大小: 中
  • 同義名: Aurora Borealis, Finalandia Variegated, Finlandi Variegated , Finlandia Speckled, Finlandia Variegata, Margaret Jack, Speckles, Variegated Finlandia, 芬蘭國旗(斑), 複色芬蘭迪亞
  • 補充資料: 芬蘭突變種,起源於日本。
Photo Date: 2021.02.04 Location: The Huntington Library

Camellia japonica ‘Firebrand Variegated’

  • Color: Scarlet Blotched White
  • Form: Semi-double
  • Size: Medium
  • Synonym: Variegated Firebrand
  • Additional Info: Originated at the Longwood Gardens, USA
  • 顏色: 猩紅色, 白斑點
  • 型狀: 半重瓣
  • 尺寸大小: 中
  • 同義名: Variegated Firebrand
  • 補充資料: 起源於美國朗伍德Longwood花園
Photo Date: 2023.02.02 Location: The Huntington Library
Photo Date: 2021.02.04 Location: The Huntington Library

Camellia japonica ‘Flaming Star’ 火星

  • Color: Bright Flame Pink With Yellow Stamens And White Filaments
  • Form: Single With Wavy Petals Of Irregular Length That Are Twisted And Fluted
  • Size: Large
  • Synonym: Casilda
  • Additional Info: Originated by McCaskill Gardens, East Pasadena, California from seed of unknown parents. First flowered 1942. It was first named ‘Casilda’ but later renamed due to the existence of another cultivar with prior use of the name.
  • 顏色: 亮麗朱紅色,黃色的雄蕊和白色的花絲
  • 型狀: 單瓣,不規則波浪形花瓣
  • 尺寸大小: 大
  • 同義名: Casilda
  • 補充資料: 起源於加州東帕薩迪納的McCaskill植物園,不名實生種。 初花1942年。它最初被命名為“Casilda”,但後來更名因另一個名稱已用過
Photo Date: 2021.02.04 Location: The Huntington Library

Camellia japonica ‘Flamingo’

  • Color: Pale Pink With Golden Anthers And White Filaments
  • Form: Semi-double With Petaloids Sometimes Mixed With Stamens
  • Size: Medium
  • Additional Info: Seedling from Camellia Nurseries, Tallahassee, Florida, USA
  • 顏色: 淡粉色, 金色花藥和白色花絲
  • 型狀: 半重瓣,花瓣有時與雄蕊混合
  • 尺寸大小: 中
  • 補充資料: 美國佛羅里達州塔拉哈西山茶花苗圃的幼苗
Photo Date: 2021.02.04 Location: The Huntington Library

Camellia japonica ‘Guilio Nuccio’ 大牛西奥

  • Color: Coral Rose Pink Which Lightens Towards The Edge Of The Petals
  • Form: Semidouble
  • Size: Large to very large
  • Synonym: Giulio Nuccio, Guillio Nuccio, Guillio Nucco, Nuccio Special, 變臉把戲, 奇力歐, 朱力澳新西歐
  • Additional Info: It is a seedling of the fishtail camellia Mermaid. This cultivar received “The Margarete Hertrich Award” in 1956; the “John Illges Award” in 1958 and both the “National Hall of Fame Award” and the “William E. Woodroof, Hall of Fame Award” in 1978.
  • 顏色: 深紫紅色、瓣端顏色較淡
  • 型狀: 半重瓣
  • 尺寸大小: 大~巨大
  • 同義名: Giulio Nuccio, Guillio Nuccio, Guillio Nucco, Nuccio Special, 變臉把戲, 奇力歐, 朱力澳新西歐
  • 補充資料: 它是'Mermaid'自然實生種。於1956年獲得“Margarete Hertrich獎”; 1958 年得“John Illges 獎”以及 1978 年得“國家名人堂獎”和“William E. Woodroof 名人堂獎”
Photo Date: 2021.02.04 Location: The Huntington Library

Camellia japonica ‘Happy Holidays’ 幸福假日

  • Color: Light Pink
  • Form: Formal Double
  • Size: Medium to Large
  • Synonym: Xingfu Jiari, 快樂假期
  • Additional Info: Originated at Nuccio’s Nurseries, Altadena, California, USA. The 12 years old seedling first flowered 1972.
  • 顏色: 淡粉色
  • 型狀: 完全重瓣
  • 尺寸大小: 中~大
  • 同義名: Xingfu Jiari, 快樂假期
  • 補充資料: 起源於美國加利福尼亞州阿爾塔迪納Altadena的 Nuccio種苗園。 12年實生苗, 初花1972年。
Photo Date: 2021.02.04 Location: The Huntington Library

Camellia japonica ‘Julia France’ 笛瓣朱麗亞

  • Color: Light Pink
  • Form: Formal Double With Numerous Smaller Petals
  • Size: Large
  • Synonym: Diban Zhuliya, 法蘭西斯, 茱莉亞法蘭西
  • Additional Info: Originated by Mr. & Mrs. H.E. Ashby, Charleston, South Carolina, USA. This seedling was awarded 2 Highly Commended Seedling Certificates in 1957 when exhibited under the name ‘Mrs Joseph France’ for whom it was named. Flowers early to mid-season. It also received the John Illges Award in 1972.
  • 顏色: 淡粉色
  • 型狀: 有許多較小花瓣的完全重瓣
  • 尺寸大小: 大
  • 同義名: Diban Zhuliya, 法蘭西斯, 茱莉亞法蘭西
  • 補充資料: 由美國南卡羅來納州H.E.Ashby夫婦培育。這株幼苗在1957年以“Mrs Joseph France”的名義展出時獲得了2項高度推薦的幼苗證書。 花期早至中期。 它還在1972年獲得了John Illges獎。
Photo Date: 2021.03.04 Location: The Huntington Library

Camellia japonica ‘Lady MacKinnon’

  • Color: Crimson mottled with white
  • Form: Semi-double
  • Size: Medium
  • Synonym: Bolen's Number 101, Etienne de Bore, Eulalia Sally, Eulalie Sally, Hopkin's Variegated, India Kuger, Lady de Saumarez Variegated, Lady Vansetti Variegata, Lady Vansettie Variegated, Melody (Calif), Melody, Number 101, Pride of Portland, Pride of Rosebud Farm, Quartette Mottled, Red and White Wakanoura, Tricolor (Siebold) Folki, Tricolor Falki, Tricolor Folki, Tricolor Mottled, Tricolor S. Folki, Tricolor Sieboldi Folki, Tricolor Spotted
  • Additional Info: A sport of another Japanese camellia cultivar, ‘Tricolor’. Originated in Japan and was introduced to western horticulture in 1891.
  • 顏色: 深紅色夾雜著白色
  • 型狀: 半重瓣
  • 尺寸大小: 中
  • 同義名: Bolen's Number 101, Etienne de Bore, Eulalia Sally, Eulalie Sally, Hopkin's Variegated, India Kuger, Lady de Saumarez Variegated, Lady Vansetti Variegata, Lady Vansettie Variegated, Melody (Calif), Melody, Number 101, Pride of Portland, Pride of Rosebud Farm, Quartette Mottled, Red and White Wakanoura, Tricolor (Siebold) Folki, Tricolor Falki, Tricolor Folki, Tricolor Mottled, Tricolor S. Folki, Tricolor Sieboldi Folki, Tricolor Spotted
  • 補充資料: 日本山茶品種“三色”的一種。 原產於日本,1891年傳入西方園藝。
Photo Date: 2021.03.04 Location: The Huntington Library

Camellia japonica ‘Latifolia Variegated’

  • Color: Soft rose red blotched white with yellow anthers and yellow filaments
  • Form: Semi-double
  • Size: Medium
  • Synonym: Fanny Basil, Fanny Boles, Latafolia Variegata, Latifolia Variegata
  • Additional Info: 1945 published/registered. Chinese synonym ‘Fuse Ladi’.
  • 顏色: 柔和的玫瑰紅色,帶白色斑點, 黃色花藥和黃色花絲
  • 型狀: 半重瓣
  • 尺寸大小: 中
  • 同義名: Fanny Basil, Fanny Boles, Latafolia Variegata, Latifolia Variegata
  • 補充資料: 1945年出版/註冊。 中文同義名‘Fuse Ladi’。
Photo Date: 2022.02.03 Location: The Huntington Library

Camellia japonica ‘Lena Jackson’

  • Color: Blush Pink With Yellow Anthers And Light Yellow Filaments
  • Form: Semi-double
  • Size: Medium To Large
  • Additional Info: This seedling appeared amongst seed from Tokayama, Japan, planted in 1936. It was acquired by Ingleside Nurseries, Georgia, USA in 1943 and first bloomed 1944.
  • 顏色: 紅暈粉紅色, 黃色花藥和淺黃色花絲
  • 型狀: 半重瓣
  • 尺寸大小: 中~大
  • 補充資料: 1936年日本Tokayama的種子之一。1943年被美國喬治亞州的Ingleside苗圃收購,初花1944年。
Photo Date: 2022.03.03, 2021.03.04 Location: The Huntington Library


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