Plant: Camellia japonica Cultivars 山茶花變種 (A-E)

Camellia japonica ‘Argentinita’

  • Color: Soft Pink Spotted Rose Pink With Yellow Anthers And White Filaments
  • Form: Semi-double
  • Size: Medium
  • Synonym: Argentina, Argentinata, ‘Faithful’
  • Additional Info: Originated in USA as a sport of Bidwell Variegated at the McCaskill Gardens, Pasadena, California.
  • 顏色: 淺粉紅色斑點,玫瑰粉紅色花有黃色花藥和白色花絲
  • 型狀: 半重瓣
  • 尺寸大小: 中
  • 同義名: Argentina, Argentinata, ‘Faithful’
  • 補充資料: 起源於美國,是加州帕薩迪納McCaskill麥卡斯基爾花園的 Bidwell Variegated 枝變種。
Photo Date: 2021.03.04 Location: The Huntington Library

Camellia Japonica ‘Baronne de Bleichroeder’

  • Color: Snow-white, finely lined with streaks of flame red
  • Form: Perfectly imbricated form
  • Size: Large
  • Synonym: Baron Bleichröder, Baron de Bleichroeder, Baron von Bleichroeder, Barone Bleihiroveo, Baroness Schroder, Baronne de Bleichroder, Baronne de Bleichröhder, General Bleichroeder
  • Additional Info: Originated in Belgium. Named for Baronne de Bleichroeder, wife of the celebrated banker and Queen Victoria’s Consul-General in Berlin. The Japanese cultivar Otome-shibori is erroneously named ‘Baronne de Bleichroeder’ in America.
  • 顏色: 雪白,細火紅色條紋
  • 型狀: 全疊瓦形
  • 尺寸大小: 大
  • 同義名: Baron Bleichröder, Baron de Bleichroeder, Baron von Bleichroeder, Barone Bleihiroveo, Baroness Schroder, Baronne de Bleichroder, Baronne de Bleichröhder, General Bleichroeder
  • 補充資料: 起源於比利時。 以著名銀行家和維多利亞女王駐柏林總領事的妻子 Baronne de Bleichroeder 的名字命名。 日本品種 Otome-shibori 在美國被錯誤地命名為“Baronne de Bleichroeder”。
Photo Date: 2021.02.04, 2021.03.04 Location: The Huntington Library

Camellia Japonica ‘Betty’s Beauty’ 玉面貝蒂

  • Color: White With Each Petal Edged Light Orchid
  • Form: Semidouble To Loose Peony Form With Slightly Waved Petals
  • Size: Medium To Large
  • Synonym: Rudy Moore, Yumian Beiti, 貝蒂美人, 貝蒂比弟
  • Additional Info: Originated by F. Moore, West Covina, California, USA.
  • 顏色: 花白色,每個花瓣邊緣都有一條窄窄的淡紫紅的花邊
  • 型狀: 半重瓣到鬆散牡丹形,花瓣微微波浪形
  • 尺寸大小: 中到大型花
  • 同義名: Rudy Moore, Yumian Beiti, 貝蒂美人, 貝蒂比弟
  • 補充資料: 美國加州西科維納的 F. Moore 培育。
Photo Date: 2021.02.04 Location: The Huntington Library

Camellia Japonica ‘Berenice Boddy’ 劍山芝蘭

  • Color: Light Pink With Deep Pink Under Petals
  • Form: Semi-double
  • Size: Medium
  • Synonym: Bainisi Baodi , Benisi Baodi, Bernice Boddy, Bernice Bodly, S 101
  • Additional Info: Originated at the Rancho del Descanso and developed by Jones, Sierra Madre, California, USA. Named for Mrs Manchester Boddy, wife of the publisher of the Los Angeles Daily News.
  • 顏色: 淡粉、花瓣背面深粉
  • 型狀: 半重瓣
  • 尺寸大小: 中
  • 同義名: Bainisi Baodi , Benisi Baodi, Bernice Boddy, Bernice Bodly, S 101
  • 補充資料: 起源於Rancho del Descanso,由美國加州Sierra Madre的Jones培育。 以《洛杉磯每日新聞》出版商的妻子曼徹斯特博迪夫人 Manchester Boddy 的名字命名。
Photo Date: 2021.02.16, 2022.02.03 Location: The Huntington Library

Camellia japonica 'Billie McCaskill' 麥卡

  • Color: Pink
  • Form: Semi-double
  • Size: Medium
  • Synonym: Maika
  • Additional Info: A 10 year old chance seedling, originated by McCaskill Gardens, Pasadena, California, USA, that first flowered 1952.
  • 顏色: 粉紅
  • 型狀: 半重瓣
  • 尺寸大小: 中
  • 同義名: Maika
  • 補充資料: 一棵 10 年機遇實生苗,起源於美國加州帕薩迪納市麥卡斯基爾McCaskill花園,1952 年首次開花
Photo Date: 2023.02.02 Location: The Huntington Library

Camellia japonica 'Carter's Sunburst' 大卡特

  • Color: Pale pink, striped deeper pink
  • Form: Vary in form from semi-double, through peony form to formal double
  • Size: Large to Very Large
  • Synonym: Carter Sunburst, Carter's Sunburst Regular, Dakate, 卡特胸針, 陽光大道
  • Additional Info: This seedling hybrid (japonica x reticulata) was originated by E.H. Carter, California, USA. First flowered 1951. This Camellia has received the ACS. “National Camellia Hall of Fame Award” for 1978, the SCCS. “Margarete Hertrich Award” for 1963, and ‘John Illges Award” for 1964 and the RHS, “Award of Merit” 1977. This cultivar was awarded as an AGM (Award of Garden Merit) plant by the Royal Horticultural Society in 1993.
  • 顏色: 淺粉紅色,條紋深粉紅色
  • 型狀: 從半重瓣,牡丹形式到正式雙重瓣
  • 尺寸大小: 大至巨大
  • 同義名: Carter Sunburst, Carter's Sunburst Regular, Dakate, 卡特胸針, 陽光大道
  • 補充資料: 這種幼苗是山茶與滇山茶雜交種,由美國加州E.H.Carter先生所培育。 1951 年首次開花。它已獲得美國山茶花協會1978年“全國茶花名人堂獎”,1963年南卡羅來納山茶花協會“Margarete Hertrich 獎”,1964年“John Illges獎”,1977年皇家園藝學會“優異獎”及1993年皇家園藝學會授予的園林功勳獎。
Photo Date: 2023.02.02 Location: The Huntington Library

Camellia japonica 'Claudia Phelps' 克勞迪爾

  • Color: Delicate Pink Shading To White Toward Edge And Sometimes Splashed White With Yellow Anthers And Yellowish-white Filaments
  • Form: Semi-double
  • Size: Large
  • Synonym: Carol Duchess, Coral Duchess, Coral Duchess of Sutherland, Duchess of Sutherland Coral, Mrs Claudia Phelps, Tillie Rice
  • 顏色: 粉紅,花瓣端顏色漸淡,邊緣近白色,偶有白斑點,有黃色花藥和黃白色花絲
  • 型狀: 半重瓣
  • 尺寸大小: 大
  • 同義名: Carol Duchess, Coral Duchess, Coral Duchess of Sutherland, Duchess of Sutherland Coral, Mrs Claudia Phelps, Tillie Rice
Photo Date: 2021.03.04 Location: The Huntington Library

Camellia japonica 'Debutante' 迪牡丹

  • Color: Light pink
  • Form: Peony
  • Size: Large
  • Synonym: Debutanta, French Pink Peony, Sara C. Hasti, Sara C. Hastie, Sarah C. Hastie, Spencer's Delight, Wutai Xinxiu, 首演女郎, 舞台新秀, 少女的初會, 初登舞台, 處女秀
  • 顏色: 淡粉色
  • 型狀: 牡丹型
  • 尺寸大小: 大
  • 同義名: Debutanta, French Pink Peony, Sara C. Hasti, Sara C. Hastie, Sarah C. Hastie, Spencer's Delight, Wutai Xinxiu, 首演女郎, 舞台新秀, 少女的初會, 初登舞台, 處女秀
Photo Date: 2023.02.21 Location: LA Arboretum

Camellia japonica 'Emma'

  • Color: Red
  • Form: Double
  • Size: Large
  • 顏色: 紅
  • 型狀: 雙重瓣
  • 尺寸大小: 大
Photo Date: 2022.03.03 Location: The Huntington Library

Camellia japonica ‘Emperor of Russia’ 蘇聯皇帝

  • Color: Brilliant red, golden stamens among inner, twisted petals
  • Form: Peony Form
  • Size: Very large
  • Synonym: American Aspasia, Conspicua, Crimson Emperor, Emperor of Russion, Emperor Russia, Scarlet Don, Scarlet Door, Stephens Plant, Stephens, 俄羅斯皇帝
  • Additional Info: It came from a plant on the old Stevens plantation at Madison, Florida. Magnolia Gardens claim that this may have been a seedling or an old variety renamed by Rev. Drayton. 1938 published/registered.
  • 顏色: 內部盤繞的花瓣中有鮮豔的紅色、金色的花蕊
  • 型狀: 全牡丹
  • 尺寸大小: 巨大
  • 同義名: American Aspasia, Conspicua, Crimson Emperor, Emperor of Russion, Emperor Russia, Scarlet Don, Scarlet Door, Stephens Plant, Stephens, 俄羅斯皇帝
  • 補充資料: 起源於佛羅里達州麥迪遜市老Stevens農園的一株植物。 Magnolia Gardens 認為這可能是一棵幼苗或一個由德雷頓Drayton牧師重新命名的舊品種。1938年出版/註冊。
Photo Date: 2022.01.06 Location: The Huntington Library


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