Bird: Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura) 紅頭美洲鷲

The turkey vulture (Cathartes aura) is the most widespread of the New World vultures. It is a large bird with a wingspan of 63–72 in (160–183 cm). The turkey vulture is a scavenger and feeds almost exclusively on carrion. It finds its food using its keen eyes and sense of smell. They are gregarious and roost in large community groups.
紅頭美洲鷲是分佈最廣的新大陸禿鷹。它是一種大型鳥類,翼展為63-72 英寸(160-183 公分)。它是食腐動物,幾乎完全以腐肉為食。 它用敏銳的眼睛和嗅覺尋找食物。它們喜歡大群群居。

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Photo Date: 2019.04.02 Location: Peck Road Park
Photo Date: 2020.02.10 Location: Peck Road Park
Photo Date: 2021.10.21 Location: Lambertville, New Jersey by Delaware River

Notes 筆記

  • The turkey vulture (Cathartes aura) is the most widespread of the New World vultures. The word vulture likely comes from the Latin vellere, which means to pluck or tear. Its scientific name, Cathartes aura, is far more pleasant. It means either “golden purifier” or “purifying breeze.”
  • The turkey vulture is a scavenger and feeds almost exclusively on carrion. It finds its food using its keen eyes and sense of smell, flying low by holding its wings up in a slight dihedral (V-shape) and teetering from side to side while flying to detect the gasses produced by the beginnings of the process of decay in dead animals. The turkey vulture forages by smell, an ability that is uncommon in the avian world.
  • The turkey vulture ranges from southern Canada to the southernmost tip of South America. It inhabits a variety of open and semi-open areas, including subtropical forests, shrublands, pastures, and deserts.
  • The turkey vulture is gregarious and roosts in large community groups, breaking away to forage independently during the day. Several hundred vultures may roost communally in groups.
  • 紅頭美洲鷲是分佈最廣的新大陸禿鷹。 禿鷹這個詞很可能來自拉丁語 vellere,意思是拔毛或撕裂。 它的學名 Cathartes aura 較好聽,是“成功的清潔者”或“輕而易舉的清潔者”的意思。
  • 紅頭美洲鷲是食腐動物,幾乎完全以腐肉為食。它用敏銳的眼睛和嗅覺尋找食物,飛行高度很低藉由它的翅膀舉起成二面角(V 形)並在飛行時左右搖擺到足以探測死動物腐爛過程開始時產生的氣體。紅頭美洲鷲靠嗅覺覓食,是鳥類中較為罕有的。
  • 紅頭美洲鷲的分佈範圍從加拿大南部到南美洲的最南端。棲息於各種開闊和半開闊地帶,包括亞熱帶森林、灌叢、牧場和沙漠。
  • 紅頭美洲鷲喜歡大群群居,白天會單獨出來覓食。 數百隻禿鷹可能成群結隊棲息。

References 參考資料

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