Plant: Dwarf Red Jade Vine (Camptosema grandiflorum)

On January 6, 2022, I saw this special but not very conspicuous plant at the Huntington Library. It quietly climbed and wrapped itself around a big tree by a narrow winding trail and waited to be discovered. It turned out to be Camptosema grandiflorum, native to Brazil.
2022年1月6日我在亨廷頓圖書館看到這種特別但不是很起眼的植物,它就這樣靜靜的攀纏著一棵大樹,在一條羊腸小徑旁等著被人發覺。原來它是 Camptosema grandiflorum,原產於巴西。

Photo Date: 2022.01.06 Location: Huntington Library

Notes 筆記

  • Camptosema grandiflorum Benth., belonging to Fabaceae, is a voluble climber plant native to Brazil. This amazing eye-catcher is closely related to Red Jade Vine, however, it is much hardier than the ultra-tropical Mucuna benettii!
  • Plants bloom in autumn-winter, producing long and hanging inflorescences with showy red flowers, which are much visited by hummingbirds. The leaves are also attractive, composed of three leaflets.
  • It can be propagated by seeds or cuttings, but both seed germination and cutting rooting percentages are very low.
  • Camptosema grandiflorum Benth.,屬於豆科,是一種原產於巴西會纏繞的攀援植物。這種令人驚嘆的引人注目的植物與紅玉藤密切相關,然而,它比超熱帶的 Mucuna bennettii 更耐寒!
  • 植物在秋冬季開花,長而懸垂的花序開著艷麗的紅色花朵,蜂鳥經常光顧。葉子也很吸引人,由三片小葉組成。
  • 它可以通過種子或插條繁殖,但種子發芽率和插條生根率都非常低。

References 參考資料

Plants Posts 植物的帖子