Plant: Dombeya wallichii 非洲芙蓉

The Dombeya wallichii in the Chinese Garden of the Huntington Library caught my attention. It is known by the common names pinkball, pink ball tree, and tropical hydrangea. It is native to eastern Madagascar. The hanging pink flower clusters are so lovely, gorgeous and beaming that I couldn’t help but take several looks.
我在亨廷頓圖書館的中國花園中突然瞄到這非洲芙蓉,俗名包括粉紅球、粉紅球樹和熱帶繡球花, 吊芙蓉以及百鈴花。它原產於馬達加斯加東部。懸掛的粉紅色花簇,可愛又艷麗而且喜氣洋洋的,令人忍不住多看幾眼。

Photo Date: 2022.02.03 Location: The Huntington Library

Notes 筆記

  • The common names include pinkball, pink ball tree, and tropical hydrangea. It is native to eastern Madagascar.
  • The plant can grow 20 to 30 feet tall and has a spread of up to 25 feet. The alternately arranged leaves are heart-shaped with serrated edges. The hanging flower clusters are pink and showy. The blooms of this plant have a pleasant fragrance, almost like caramel corn.
  • The name is in honor of Joseph Dombay, a French medical man and botanist who made extensive plant collections in Peru and Chile.
  • 俗名包括粉紅球、粉紅球樹和熱帶繡球花。(註: 非洲芙蓉, 在香港稱為吊芙蓉,在其他華語地區也有百鈴花之稱)。它原產於馬達加斯加東部。
  • 這種植物可以長到 20 到 30 英尺高,寬達 25 英尺。 交替排列的葉子呈心形,葉緣有鋸齒。 懸掛的花簇是粉紅色的而且艷麗。這種植物的花朵散發出令人愉悅的香氣,就像焦糖玉米一樣。
  • 這個名字是為了紀念 Joseph Dombay,他是一位在秘魯和智利收集了大量植物的法國醫生和植物學家。

References 參考資料

Plants Posts 植物的帖子