People flock to Newport Beach during the Christmas holiday season not only to enjoy the Boat Parade but also to stroll around Balboa Island and admire the fully decorated homes and estates. In fact, there is a separate contest for this category called "The Ring of Lights." Homes, businesses, and yacht clubs that decorate their properties with holiday lights can enter the competition. The first time we visited Newport Beach to see the holiday lights was in 2017, and we returned several times over the following years. Here are some photos taken during those visits.
聖誕節期間,人們湧向紐波特海灘,不僅是為了欣賞遊艇遊行,還可以在巴爾博亞島散步,欣賞裝飾精美的房屋和建築。事實上,這有一個特別的競賽,稱為「光之環」。任何用彩燈裝飾所有物的家庭、企業和遊艇俱樂部都可以參加比賽。我們第一次去紐波特海灘觀看節日彩燈是在 2017 年,在後來的幾年裡我們又回來了幾次。以下是這些期間拍攝的一些照片。

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