Butterfly: Chestnut tiger (Parantica sita) 大絹斑蝶

The Parantica sita (Chestnut tiger) is very similar to the Parantica melaneus (Chocolate tiger). After doing this and comparing reference photos, I guessed that the butterfly I saw on the north coast of Taiwan was Chestnut tiger. Parantica, commonly called tigers, is a subfamily Danainae of family Nymphalidae. Parantica sita, the chestnut tiger, is found along the Himalayas and into the Malayan region. Northern Pakistan, Kashmir, northern India, Sikkim, Tibet, China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Malaya, Ussuri, Sakhalin, Indochina. Wings elongate. Upperside of forewing black or fuliginous black, with the following bluish-white subhyaline markings. Mainly inhabits coastal forests and evergreen broad-leaved forests. More than one generation a year. Flying slowly, visiting flowers. Host plants are plants in the Apocynaceae family such as Formosana Condorvine, Ovate-leaf Tylophora, Hoya carnosa, etc. Chestnut tiger is known for its ability to migrate long distances. In 2011, it was discovered that a Chestnut tiger flew 2,500 kilometers across the East China Sea in 83 days. It was the second longest butterfly flight in the world after the monarch butterfly's record.

Photo Date: 2023.04.11 Location: North Coast, Taiwan

Notes 筆記

  • Parantica, commonly called tigers, is a subfamily Danainae of family Nymphalidae. Parantica sita, the chestnut tiger, is found along the Himalayas and into the Malayan region. Northern Pakistan, Kashmir, northern India, Sikkim, Tibet, China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Malaya, Ussuri, Sakhalin, Indochina.
  • Wings elongate. Upperside of forewing black or fuliginous black, with the following bluish-white subhyaline markings.
  • Mainly inhabits coastal forests and evergreen broad-leaved forests. More than one generation a year. Flying slowly, visiting flowers.
  • Host plants are plants in the Apocynaceae family such as Formosana Condorvine, Ovate-leaf Tylophora, Hoya carnosa, etc.
  • 絹斑蝶屬通常被稱為虎斑蝶,是斑蝶亞科斑蝶族裡的一個屬。大絹斑蝶又名雲斑蝶、青斑蝶、淡青斑蝶、栗色透翅斑蝶。分佈於喜馬拉雅山脈和馬來亞地區。巴基斯坦北部、克什米爾、印度北部、錫金、西藏、中國、台灣、韓國、日本、馬來亞、烏蘇里江、庫頁島、中南半岛。
  • 翅膀細長。前翅上部黑色或煤煙色,下方有藍白色凝透明斑紋。
  • 主要棲息在海岸林、常綠闊葉林。一年多代。飛行緩慢,喜訪花。
  • 寄主植物為夾竹桃科之臺灣牛彌菜、鷗蔓、毬蘭等。
  • 大絹斑蝶以具長距離遷徙能力而著稱。2011年發現有一大絹斑蝶用了83日飛越2500公里的東海,是繼帝王斑蝶的紀錄後,全球第二遠的蝴蝶飛行路線。

References 參考資料

Insects Posts 昆蟲的帖子