Prose 生活隨筆: One Day in Tamsui 2024.05.09 淡水一日記

(English version is on the bottom.)
2024.05.09 該是一個我應該留下一點記錄的一天。到美國40年,我覺得我的中文退步很多,我想如果我多看別人的寫作作品,可能對我的文筆有所幫助,所以我加入了一個 Facebook 上【以文聚友】的社團,它的宗旨是「以文章來凝聚朋友👫,歡迎海內外的華人,大家一起來寫文,原創文尤佳。」2024.05.09 社團舉辦了一個聚會。對一個生性靦腆、害羞、內向的我來說,費了好大的一股勁,才鼓起勇氣報了名,我很想一睹這些文友的廬山真面目。當天我提早兩個小時到淡水,先在附近逛逛讓自己覺得輕鬆自在些。我很少一個人出門閒逛,發現一個人逛大街的視角,真的不太一樣,蠻好的。時間差不多到了,就進了會場,結果還是太早了些,工作人員還在忙著準備事宜,我就隨便找了個位子坐下,不久就有兩個會友分別來搭訕、聊天,我緊張的心也緩了下來。之後旁邊又坐了一位來自德州的文友,與我們分享許多在台灣一個人旅行的寶貴經驗及竅門,真是獲益良多。在回家的捷運上碰到另一個文友,與她交談也有很多收獲。很高興自己勇敢的跨出自設的門檻,才會有豐富收獲的一天,其實在一個陌生的環境裏,並沒有像想像的可怕。
May 9, 2024—A day worth recording. After spending 40 years in the United States, I noticed a significant decline in my Chinese language proficiency. To enhance my writing skills, I decided to explore other people’s literary works. That’s when I joined a Facebook group called “Friends Through Writing.” Their mission: to unite friends through written articles—a welcoming space for all Chinese individuals, especially those passionate about original writing. On this particular day, the group organized a gathering party. As a naturally shy and introverted person, signing up required considerable effort. Yet, I yearned to meet fellow members face-to-face. Arriving in Tamsui two hours early, I strolled the area, savoring the unique perspective of walking alone on the streets. It felt refreshing—a departure from my usual routines. As the gathering time approached, I entered the venue, only to discover I was too early. The staff buzzed around, finalizing preparations. I found a seat and settled in. Soon, two members struck up conversations with me, easing my nerves. Later, a fellow member from Texas joined us, generously sharing valuable experiences and solo travel tips within Taiwan. Her insights proved immensely beneficial. Even on my MRT ride home, fate intervened. I met another person and engaged in a meaningful conversation. Crossing my self-imposed boundaries felt liberating, and the day yielded fruitful connections. Being in unfamiliar environments, it is not as scary as imagined.

以下照片由田台明先生所攝。The following photos taken by Mr. Tiang.

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