Insect: Flame Skimmer (Libellula saturata) 火焰蜻蜓

Flame Skimmer is a large dragonfly and its bright red color means that you can see it from afar. I enjoy watching them flying around the pond or stream. Flame skimmer’s habitats include warm ponds, streams, or hot springs. They are found mainly in the southwestern part of the United States. An immature flame skimmer feeds mainly on aquatic insects. Its diet consists of mosquito larvae, aquatic fly larvae, mayfly larvae, freshwater shrimp, small fish, and tadpoles. They live in the mud at the bottom of warm streams or ponds, catching their prey by waiting patiently for it to pass by. Adult skimmers usually feed on moths, flies, ants, or any other soft-bodied insect while waiting perched on a small rock or twig or while flying through the air.
火焰蜻蜓在我眼裏算是大型蜻蜓,牠鮮紅色的身體,你從老遠就可以看到牠。 我很喜歡看著牠們在池塘或溪流中飛來飛去。火焰蜻蜓的棲息地包括溫暖的池塘,溪流或溫泉。它們主要在美國西南部出沒。未成年的火焰蜻蜓主要以水生昆蟲為食。它的食物包括蚊蟲幼蟲,水生蠅幼蟲,蜉蝣幼蟲,淡水蝦,小魚和蝌蚪。它們生活在溫暖的小溪或池塘底部的泥土中,耐心等待獵物經過來捕捉獵物。成年蜻蜓通常棲息在小石頭或小樹枝上或在空中飛翔時,以飛蛾,蒼蠅,螞蟻或任何其他軟體昆蟲為食。

Photo Date: 2020.10.01 and various dates Location: Huntington Library and various places

Notes 筆記

  • The flame skimmer or firecracker skimmer is a common dragonfly of the family Libellulidae, native to western North America.
  • Flame skimmer varies in size but is generally measured between two and three inches long. These naiads are known for being rather large and chubby-looking due to their rounded abdomen. They are covered with hair but, unlike most young dragonflies, they lack hooks or spines.
  • Flame skimmer’s habitats include warm ponds, streams, or hot springs. They are found mainly in the southwestern part of the United States.
  • An immature flame skimmer feeds mainly on aquatic insects. Its diet consists of mosquito larvae, aquatic fly larvae, mayfly larvae, freshwater shrimp, small fish, and tadpoles. They live in the mud at the bottom of warm streams or ponds, catching their prey by waiting patiently for it to pass by. Adult skimmers usually feed on moths, flies, ants, or any other soft-bodied insect while waiting perched on a small rock or twig or while flying through the air.
  • Males establish and defend territories at prime breeding locations. After males and females mate, the female flies singly, without the male attached, to lay her eggs. She does this by dipping the tip of her abdomen in the shallows of springs and ponds while hovering just above the water’s surface.
  • 火焰蜻蜓或爆竹蜻蜓是一種常見的蜻蜓科蜻蜓,原產於北美西部。
  • 火焰蜻蜓的大小不一,但通常在兩到三英寸長之間。它們的稚蟲因腹部呈圓形而顯得較大且胖乎乎的。但與大多數幼年蜻蜓不同的是它們長滿了毛,而且它們沒有鉤或刺。
  • 火焰蜻蜓的棲息地包括溫暖的池塘,溪流或溫泉。它們主要在美國西南部出沒。
  • 未成年的火焰蜻蜓主要以水生昆蟲為食。它的食物包括蚊蟲幼蟲,水生蠅幼蟲,蜉蝣幼蟲,淡水蝦,小魚和蝌蚪。它們生活在溫暖的小溪或池塘底部的泥土中,耐心等待獵物經過來捕捉獵物。成年蜻蜓通常棲息在小石頭或小樹枝上或在空中飛翔時,以飛蛾,蒼蠅,螞蟻或任何其他軟體昆蟲為食。
  • 雄性在最好的繁殖地點建立並保衛地盤。雄性和雌性交配後,雌性單飛產卵,卻沒有與雄性附著,而是將腹部的末端懸停在泉水和池塘的淺水處,並同時將身體懸停在水面上方。

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References 參考資料