Travel/POI: Getty Center/Getty Museum (蓋蒂博物館), California USA

Getty Museum, located in the Brentwood neighborhood of Los Angeles, is well known for its architecture, gardens, and views overlooking Los Angeles. Getty Museum also features pre-20th-century European paintings, drawings, illuminated manuscripts, sculpture, and decorative arts; and photographs from the 1830s through present day from all over the world. It draws 1.8 million visitors annually. Admission is free but you need to pay a parking fee. To reach the only public entrance, you can use this address: N Sepulveda Blvd & Getty Center Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90049. Currently (2023) it requires a timed-entry reservation. After you arrive, you can take a tram up the hills to the Getty Center itself. The tram runs continuously throughout the day.
蓋蒂博物館位於洛杉磯布倫特伍德附近,以建築、花園和俯瞰洛杉磯的景色而聞名。蓋蒂博物館中展示 20 世紀前的歐洲繪畫、素描、彩繪手稿、雕塑和裝飾藝術,以及來自世界各地從 1830 年代至今的照片。它每年吸引了 180 萬的遊客。免費入場但需支付停車費。要到唯一的公共入口,您可以使用以下地址:N Sepulveda Blvd & Getty Center Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90049。 目前 (2023年) 需預約定時入場。抵達後您可以搭乘電車上山前往蓋蒂中心。有軌電車全天不斷運行。

Getty is the legacy of the oil businessman and art collector Jean Paul Getty (December 15, 1892 – June 6, 1976), and his view that art is a civilizing influence in society. Starting in 1948, he gave significant pieces from his personal collection to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. In 1953, he established the J. Paul Getty Museum Trust. Originally, the Getty Museum started in J. Paul Getty's house located in Pacific Palisades in 1954. He expanded the house with a museum wing. In the 1970s, Getty built a replica of an Italian villa on his home's land to better house his collection, which opened in 1974. After Getty's death in 1976, the entire property was turned over to the Getty Trust for museum purposes. However, the collection outgrew the site, which has since been renamed the Getty Villa, and management sought a location more accessible to Los Angeles. A campus of 24 acres in the Santa Monica Mountains above Interstate 405 was announced in 1983. The Getty center opened to the public on December 16, 1997. Designed by architect Richard Meier, the campus also houses the Getty Research Institute (GRI), the Getty Conservation Institute, the Getty Foundation, and the J. Paul Getty Trust. The center's design included special provisions to address concerns regarding earthquakes and fires. The Getty Center, located in Brentwood off the west side of the 405 freeway, showcases European art amid modern architecture and bird's-eye views of Los Angeles. The Getty Villa Museum lies along the coast, north of Santa Monica, and displays ancient Greek and Roman art in a recreated Roman house. I have only visited the Getty Center. If you would like to visit both the Getty Center and Getty Villa, you can make both timed-entry reservations on the same day and you only need to pay one parking fee. Please note that driving between the Center and the Villa usually takes 20–45 minutes, depending on traffic so plan your schedule accordingly.
蓋蒂是石油商人和藝術收藏家吉恩·保羅·蓋蒂 (J. Paul Getty) (1892-1976) 的遺贈,他認為藝術是對社會文明的影響。從 1948 年開始,他將個人收藏中的重要作品捐贈給洛杉磯縣藝術博物館。1953 年他成立了吉恩·保羅·蓋蒂博物館信託基金會。蓋蒂博物館最初是在 1954 年吉恩·保羅·蓋蒂 Pacific Palisades 的房子,他擴建了這棟房子並建造了博物館翼樓。1970 年蓋蒂在他家建造了一座義大利別墅的複製品,以便存放他的收藏品,這別墅於 1974 年開始開放參觀。1976 年蓋蒂去世後,整個財產被移交給蓋蒂信託基金會,專門用在於博物館上,然而收藏品數量超出了場地可容下的範圍,後來這裏就被命名為蓋蒂別墅,管理人員又尋求另一個更大更靠近洛杉磯的地點。1983 年管理人員宣佈在 405 號州際公路上方的聖莫尼卡山脈建立佔地 24 英畝的園區。蓋蒂中心於 1997 年 12 月 16 日開始開放給大眾參觀。園區由建築師理查德·邁耶 (Richard Meier) 設計,還設有蓋蒂研究所 (GRI)、蓋蒂保護研究所、蓋蒂基金會和蓋蒂信託基金會。蓋蒂中心的設計還包括解決地震和火災問題的特殊規定。位於 405 號高速公路西側的布倫特伍德的蓋蒂中心,有著現代建築並能俯瞰洛杉磯的景觀,展示歐洲藝術。而蓋蒂別墅博物館位於聖莫尼卡北部海岸線上,在一棟重建的羅馬式房屋中展示古希臘和羅馬藝術品。我只參觀過蓋蒂中心。如果您想同一天參觀蓋蒂中心和蓋蒂別墅,您可以在同一天預約兩個定時入場,只需支付一筆停車費。請注意依據交通情況,中心和別墅之間的車程通常需要 20 至 45 分鐘,因此請相應地計劃您的日程安排。

Photo Date: 2023.10.06 Location: Getty Museum, California
Photo Date: 2019.05.28
Photo Date: 2017.03.05

Art from the 1400s to today are displayed in the Getty Center’s four gallery pavilions. A variety of special exhibitions is always on view. Check out What's On for current exhibitions and installations.
蓋蒂中心的四個畫廊展館展示了從 1400 年代到至今的藝術作品。蓋蒂中心都一直有各種特別展覽,請查看最新動態,以了解最新的展覽和裝置藝術。

The Central Garden at the Getty Center is the work of artist Robert Irwin. Irwin was quoted as saying that the Central Garden "is a sculpture in the form of a garden, which aims to be art". More than 500 varieties of plant material are used for the Central Garden, but the selection is "always changing, never twice the same". The following photos were taken in 2019 and 2023.

Flashback 回顧

Photo Date: 2017.06.08
Photo Date: 2017.07.07
Photo Date: 2019.05.28
Photo Date: 2023.10.06

References 參考資料

Travel/Point of Interest Posts 旅遊景點帖子