Bird: Tern 燕鷗

The first time I took “Tern” picture was on July 3, 2020. With more research checking on website, I guess this is Forster’s Tern or Caspian Tern. It is so much fun to watch them flying around then dive to water to catch fish. Terns are seabirds. Many terns are long-distance migrants. Most terns hunt fish by diving. They rely on accurate sighting from the air before they plunge-dive.

我第一次拍照燕鷗是在2020年7月3日,我還無法辨認它們的種類,可能是Forster’s Tern 或 Caspian Tern。看它們繞圈飛然後突然向水中衝下捕魚,非常有趣。燕鷗是海鳥。許多燕鷗是飛行遠距離的候鳥。大多數燕鷗都是靠潛水捕魚生存。在俯衝潛水之前,它們就必需在空中準確瞄準。

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Photo Date: 2020.07.03 Location: Peck Road Park, California

Notes 筆記

  • Terns are seabirds have a worldwide distribution and are normally found near the sea, rivers, or wetlands.
  • Many terns are long-distance migrants.
  • The terns are birds of open habitats that typically breed in noisy colonies and lay their eggs on bare ground with little or no nest material.
  • Terns are long-lived birds and are relatively free from natural predators and parasites.
  • Most terns hunt fish by diving, often hovering first, and the particular approach technique used can help to distinguish similar species at a distance.
  • The eyes of terns cannot accommodate under water, so they rely on accurate sighting from the air before they plunge-dive.
  • 燕鷗是海鳥,分佈在世界各地,通常在海邊,河流或濕地附近可看到。
  • 許多燕鷗是飛行遠距離的候鳥。
  • 燕鷗是住在寛廣平坦之地,通常在嘈雜的羣體裏繁殖,並將蛋產在地上而幾乎不用鳥巢。
  • 燕鷗是長壽的鳥類,幾乎沒有天然的天敵和寄生蟲。
  • 大多數燕鷗都是靠潛水捕魚生存,通常會先盤旋在空中,而藉著它們所使用的特殊方法,可以讓人在遠處分辨岀不同的種類。
  • 燕鷗的眼睛無法在水中看東西,因此在俯衝潛水之前,它們就必需在空中準確瞄準。

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