Bird: Red-masked parakeet (Psittacara erythrogenys) 紅臉鸚鵡

When I walked down the street on a summer day in 2020, I saw these two love birds yapping away loudly. I stood there for a while to watch them, they probably got annoyed and flew away to another street nearby. I followed them and saw them displaying love and affections toward each other. The red-masked parakeet, also known as the cherry-headed conure or the red-headed conure, is a medium-sized parrot from Ecuador and Peru, where they primarily live in jungle and deciduous forest. They are considered the best talkers of all the conures. The Red-masked Parakeet is a sociable bird, with a wide repertoire of flock, social, alarm, and contact calls. They nest colonially. They have charming and clowning personality. They will take every opportunity to show off the tricks that they have learned. It is a popular pet due to its playful and energetic personality, as well as its bright red and green plumage. On the down-side, they can be very noisy and people who are sensitive to noise will find it irritating. Red-masked Parakeets feed on a wide variety of seeds, fruit, and flowers. They are somewhat nomadic, making seasonal movements to take advantage of trees that provide fruit and seeds during the wet and dry seasons.


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Photo Date: 2020.07.15 Location: LA County, California


  • The red-masked parakeet is a medium-sized parrot from Ecuador and Peru. It is also known as the cherry-headed conure or the red-headed conure. They are considered the best talkers of all the conures.
  • Escaped cage birds are considered to be introduced in Spain. They make up most of the feral population in San Francisco, California, in the United States. Breeding populations of feral parakeets have been observed in California in San Francisco, San Diego County, Los Angeles, San Gabriel Valley, Sunnyvale, Orange County, Palo Alto and Long Beach.
  • The Red-masked Parakeet is a sociable bird, with a wide repertoire of flock, social, alarm, and contact calls.
  • Red-masked Parakeets feed on a wide variety of seeds, fruit, and flowers. They are somewhat nomadic, making seasonal movements to take advantage of trees that provide fruit and seeds during the wet and dry seasons.
  • The birds nest colonially, and pairs form long-term bonds. In the species' native range, nesting occurs during the rainy season (January through March), and a single clutch of two to four eggs is laid. These parakeets are secondary cavity nesters, meaning that they do not excavate their own nest holes. They depend on other animals, particularly woodpeckers, to dig out potential nest areas.
  • They have charming and clowning personality. They will take every opportunity to show off the tricks that they have learned. They are intelligent and affectionate and easy to tame. It is a popular pet due to its playful and energetic personality, as well as its bright red and green plumage. On the down-side, they can be very noisy and people who are sensitive to noise will find it irritating. They also like to chew and need to be provided toys and natural branches to chew and “customize” to their liking. They do enjoy a variety of toys and a larger cage to accommodate all those toys is recommended.
  • 紅臉鸚鵡是一種中型鸚鵡,產自厄瓜多爾和秘魯,在那裡它們主要生活在叢林和落葉林中。它的其他名稱為櫻桃頭錐尾鸚鵡或紅頭錐尾鸚鵡。它們被認為是所有錐尾鸚鵡中最會說話的。
  • 逃出籠中的鸚鵡被認為是被引進西班牙鸚鵡的來源。美國加州舊金山野生鸚鵡的大部分也是它們構成。在加州的舊金山、聖地亞哥縣、洛杉磯、聖蓋博谷、桑尼維爾、奧蘭治縣、帕洛阿爾托和長灘都有野生長尾小鸚鵡的繁殖種群。
  • 紅臉鸚鵡是一種善於交際的鳥類,具有廣泛的群居、社交、警報和聯繫呼叫功能。
  • 紅臉鸚鵡以各種種子、水果和花朵為食。這種鸚鵡是會像游牧一樣,作季節性的移動,以便在潮濕和乾燥季節能找到可提供果實和種子的樹木。
  • 它們在群體中築巢,成對形成長期的結合。在原生地在雨季(一月至三月)築巢,每窩產兩到四個蛋。這些長尾小鸚鵡是二次洞穴築巢者,表示它們不會挖掘自己的巢穴。它們乃是依靠其他動物,特別是啄木鳥,來挖掘可能的巢穴區域。
  • 它們有迷人和像小丑般的個性,它們會抓住一切機會炫耀自己學到的招數。它們聰明,喜愛親熱,很容易馴服。由於其頑皮而充滿活力的個性以及鮮紅和綠色的羽毛,它是一種受歡迎的寵物。缺點是它們可能非常吵鬧,對噪音敏感的人會覺得它們很煩人。它們還喜歡咬東西,需要提供適合它們的玩具和天然樹枝讓它們去咬。它們喜歡各種玩具,需要用大的籠子才能容納這些玩具。

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