Travel/POI: Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, California USA -- Borrego Palm Canyon Trail

I read online that someone saw bighorn sheep on the Alternate Trail of the Borrego Palm Canyon Trail in Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, so we didn't follow the main trail along the creek. Although we didn't see the bighorn sheep on the Alternate trail, we saw many wildflowers along the way. I tried my best to identify them. Hopefully, the identifications are correct.

我在網上看到有人在安沙波利哥棕櫚峽谷步道(Borrego Palm Canyon Trail)的交替步道(Alternate Trail)上看到大角羊,所以我們就不延著溪走主要的步道,雖然我們沒看到大角羊,但是一路上看到許多野花。我盡力識別它們,希望識別是正確的。

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Photo Date: 2023.03.15 Location: Anza-Borrego Desert State Park
Desert Lavender (Condea emoryi) 沙漠薰衣草
Desert Chicory (Rafinesquia neomexicana) 沙漠菊苣
w/ Blister Beetle (Lytta stygica)
Pygmy Poppy (Eschscholzia minutiflora) 小罌粟
Desert Gold Poppy/Mojave Poppy (Eschscholzia glyptosperma)
Phacelia 鐘穗花屬
Brown-eyed Primrose (Chylismia claviformis)
Bigelow's Monkeyflower (Diplacus bigelovii) 比奇洛石猴花
Desert Pincushion (Chaenactis stevioides)
Yellow Nightshade Groundcherry/Thick-leaf Ground-cherry
(Physalis crassifolia)
Cat's eyes/Popcorn flowers (Cryptantha) 猫瞳花属
Fiddlenecks (Amsinckia) 琴頸草屬
Bushmallow (Malacothamnus)
Nettle-leaved Goosefoot (Chenopodiastrum murale) 麻葉藜

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