Plant: Gopher Spurge (Euphorbia rigida)

I saw this Gopher Spurge in the flowerbed next to the Santa Fe Dam Nature Center on March 7, 2023. The yellow-greenish flowers stand out on thick, upright stems. It is native to southern Europe and southwest Asia. It is a bushy evergreen perennial with somewhat fleshy leaves arranged in a spiral, bearing bunches of bright yellow flowers in late Spring. It is commonly used as an ornamental in temperate gardens of Europe and North America. It has gained the Royal Horticultural Society’s Award of Garden Merit. All parts of the plant are toxic if eaten. Research has been done on using Euphorbia rigida as a bio fuel. It has been shown to produce 137 gallons of oil per acre.
2023.03.07我在聖達菲大壩自然中心旁的花圃中看到這棵Gopher Spurge。黃綠色的花朵在粗壯、直立的莖上顯得格外醒目。原產於南歐和亞洲西南部。它是一種濃密的常綠多年生植物,有些肉質的葉子呈螺旋狀排列,在晚春開出一束束鮮黃色的花朵。它通常在歐洲和北美溫帶花園中拿來當觀賞植物。它曾獲得皇家園藝學會的花園優異獎。如果食用,植物的所有部分都是有毒的。它被用作生物燃料的研究。已被證明每英畝可生產137加侖的油。

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Photo Date: 2023.03.07 Location: Santa Fe Dam, California

Notes 筆記

  • Euphorbia rigida, the gopher spurge or upright myrtle spurge, is a species of flowering plant in the spurge family, native to southern Europe and southwest Asia. In its native Mediterranean Basin and the Middle East it is considered a weed. It has appeared spontaneously in the California wilderness but is not considered a noxious weed.
  • It is a bushy evergreen perennial with somewhat fleshy leaves arranged in a spiral, bearing bunches of bright yellow flowers in late Spring. It is commonly used as an ornamental in temperate gardens of Europe and North America.
  • It has gained the Royal Horticultural Society’s Award of Garden Merit.
  • All parts of the plant are toxic if eaten. When cut or broken, the wounds leak a milky sap which can cause skin irritation.
  • Research has been done on using Euphorbia rigida as a bio fuel. It has been shown to produce 137 gallons of oil per acre.
  • 大戟,地鼠大戟(gopher spurge)或直立的桃金孃大戟(upright myrtle spurge),是大戟科的一種開花植物,原產於南歐和亞洲西南部。在其原產地地中海盆地和中東,它被認為是一種雜草。而它自然生長在加州的荒野中,並不被認為是有害的雜草。
  • 它是一種濃密的常綠多年生植物,有些肉質的葉子呈螺旋狀排列,在晚春開出一束束鮮黃色的花朵。它通常在歐洲和北美溫帶花園中拿來當觀賞植物。
  • 它曾獲得皇家園藝學會的花園優異獎。
  • 如果食用,植物的所有部分都是有毒的。切開或折斷時,傷口會滲出乳白色的汁液,會引起皮膚發炎疼痛。
  • 它被用作生物燃料的研究。已被證明每英畝可生產137加侖的油。

References 參考資料

Plants Posts 植物的帖子