Plant: Desert Chicory (Rafinesquia neomexicana)

Other two similar species are California Plumeseed, Rafinesquia californica and Tackstem, Calycoseris wrightii. I hope I'm correct that this is Desert Chicory. It is a species of flowering plant in the family Asteraceae. This annual plant found in dry climate areas of the southwestern deserts of the US and northwestern deserts of Mexico. It has white showy flowers, milky sap, and weak, zigzag stems, that may grow up through other shrubs for support.
其他兩個相似的物種是 California Plumseed, Rafinesquia californica 和 Tackstem, Calycoseris wrightii。 我希望我正確認定這是 Desert Chicory。是菊科的一種開花植物。它是一年生植物,生長於美國西南部沙漠和墨西哥西北部沙漠的乾燥氣候區。它有白色艷麗的花朵、乳白色的汁液和脆弱的鋸齒狀莖,它們可能會依靠其他灌木生長以得支撐。

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Photo Date: 2023.03.15 Location: Anza-Borrego Desert State Park
Photo Date: 2019.03.08 Location: Anza-Borrego Desert State Park


  • Rafinesquia neomexicana is a species of flowering plant in the family Asteraceae. Common names include desert chicory, plumeseed, or New Mexico plumeseed.
  • It is an annual plant found in dry climate areas of the southwestern deserts of the US and northwestern deserts of Mexico. It has white showy flowers, milky sap, and weak, zigzag stems, that may grow up through other shrubs for support.
  • Rafinesquia neomexicana bright white showy flowers, and their seeds and plants may be visited by hummingbirds, butterflies, moths, native bees, other insects and/or small mammals including rodents and granivorous birds in search of nectar or food.
  • Rafinesquia neomexicana 是菊科的一種開花植物。俗名包括沙漠菊苣、plumeseed或新墨西哥plumeseed。
  • 它是一年生植物,生長於美國西南部沙漠和墨西哥西北部沙漠的乾燥氣候區。它有白色艷麗的花朵、乳白色的汁液和脆弱的鋸齒狀莖,它們可能會依靠其他灌木生長以得支撐。
  • 蜂鳥、蝴蝶、飛蛾、當地蜜蜂、其他昆蟲和/或小型哺乳動物(包括囓齒動物和食穀鳥類)在尋找花蜜或食物時會造訪Rafinesquia neomexicana的亮白色艷麗花朵、種子和植物。


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