Plant: California fan palm (Washingtonia filifera) 絲葵

California fan palm naturally grows in desert oases in isolated areas of the Sonoran and Mojave deserts of southeastern California, southwestern Arizona, and northern Baja California, Mexico, at elevations between 500 and 1,000 feet. Widely cultivated as an ornamental in Southern California. The California fan palm does not produce dates, but does fruit elliptical black "berries". The fruit was eaten raw, cooked, or ground into flour for cakes by Native Americans. Leaves can be used to make sandals, roof thatch, and baskets. The woody petioles were used to make cooking utensils.

絲葵自然生長在加州東南部索諾蘭和莫哈韋沙漠、亞利桑那州西南部和墨西哥下加利福尼亞州北部海拔 500 至 1,000 英尺的孤立地區的沙漠綠洲中。在南加州廣泛栽培為觀賞植物。它不產棗,但產橢圓形黑色“漿果”。它的果實被美洲原住民拿來生吃、煮熟或磨成麵粉製成蛋糕。葉子可拿來製作涼鞋、蓋屋頂的茅草和籃子。木質的葉柄則被用來製作炊具。

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Photo Date: 2023.03.15 Location: Anza-Borrego Desert State Park

Notes 筆記

  • Washingtonia filifera, the desert fan palm, California fan palm, California palm, American cotton palm, or Arizona fan palm is native to the far southwestern United States and Baja California, Mexico. The Latin specific epithet filifera means "thread-bearing". It grows naturally in desert and arid regions, along streams and canyons, and in open areas where groundwater is present.
  • California fan palm can grow 60 ft (18.3 m) tall with a crown spread of 15 ft (4.6 m). The massive gray trunk is barrel shaped and ringed with old leaf scars, and may reach over 3 ft (0.9 m) in diameter at its widest point. California fan palm can have up to thirty gray-green palmate (fan-shaped) leaves, each 3-6 ft (0.9-1.8 m) across. They spread out to form a loose and open crown. It typically lives from 80 to 250 years or more.
  • Fires are rarely fatal for the fan palm, but it is also not completely immune to them. The fan palm's trunk is heavily resistant to burning. The palm's fronds are the most flammable portion of the tree. The palms' reproduction process benefits from burnings, as fires help release saplings and clear away overgrowth from surrounding vegetation. Fires can also help palms conserve water by burning away their crowns and parts of their trunks, leading to a reduction in surface area and therefore decreased rates of evaporation and transpiration.
  • The sweet fruit pulp of the fan palm is edible. The fruit was eaten raw, cooked, or ground into flour for cakes by Native Americans. The Cahuilla and related tribes used the leaves to make sandals, roof thatch, and baskets. The woody petioles were used to make cooking utensils.
  • Washingtonia filifera is widely cultivated as an ornamental tree. It is one of the hardiest coryphoid palms, rated as hardy to USDA hardiness zone 8. It can survive brief temperatures of −10 °C (14 °F) with minor damage, and established plants have survived, with severe leaf damage, brief periods as low as −17 °C (1 °F). The plants grow best in Mediterranean climates, but can be found in humid subtropical climates such as eastern Australia and the southeastern USA.
  • It has gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit.
  • 絲葵(別名:老人葵、華盛頓椰子、沙漠扇形棕櫚、加州扇形棕櫚, 美國棉棕櫚或亞利桑那扇形棕櫚)原產於美國西南部和墨西哥下加利福尼亞州。拉丁語種小名 filifera 是“帶螺紋的”意思。它生長在沙漠和乾旱地區,沿著溪流和峽谷,以及有地下水的開闊地區。
  • 絲葵可以長到60英尺(18.3公尺)高,樹冠展開15英尺(4.6公尺)。巨大的桶狀灰色樹幹,周圍環繞著舊葉痕,最寬處的直徑可能超過3英尺(0.9公尺)。它最多可有三十片灰綠色掌狀(扇形)葉子,每片寬3-6英尺(0.9-1.8公尺)。它們散開形成一個鬆散開放的樹冠。它通常可以活80到250年或更久。
  • 火對扇葉棕櫚來說很少是致命的,但它也不能完全不受影響的。它的樹幹非常耐燒。棕櫚葉是樹上最易燃的部分。棕櫚樹的繁殖過程受益於燃燒,因為火有助於釋放樹苗並清除周圍植被的過度生長。火還可以透過燒掉樹冠和部分樹幹來幫助棕櫚樹保存水分,從而導致表面積減少並降低蒸發和蒸散速率。
  • 扇葉棕櫚的甜果肉可食用,它的果實被美洲原住民拿來生吃、煮熟或磨成麵粉製成蛋糕。卡惠拉(Cahuilla)和相關部落用葉子製作涼鞋、蓋屋頂的茅草和籃子。木質的葉柄被用來製作炊具。
  • 絲葵被作為觀賞樹廣泛栽培。它是最耐寒的 coryphoid 棕櫚之一,被評為美國農業部耐寒區 8 級。它可以短暫在−10°C((14°F)的溫度下存活並有輕微損害,移植生長的短暫在低至−17°C(1°F)的溫度,在葉片嚴重受損的情況下也能存活下來。這些植物在地中海氣候下生長最好,但也可以在澳大利亞東部和美國東南部等潮濕的亞熱帶氣候中存活。
  • 它曾獲得了皇家園藝協會的花園優異獎。

References 參考資料

Plants Posts 植物的帖子