Plant: California cudweed (Pseudognaphalium californicum)

According to Santa Monica Mountains Trails Council, during the heat of summer a delightful scent is released from the drying leaves of California cudweed. Some say it smells like maple syrup. This is one plant you can introduce to others and it is likely that they will remember it because of that aroma. It is native to the west coast of North America from Washington to Baja California. The inflorescence is a wide cluster of flower heads, each enveloped in an involucre of rows of bright white phyllaries. It is known by several common names, including ladies' tobacco, California rabbit tobacco, California cudweed, and California everlasting.
根據聖莫尼卡山步道委員會的說法,Pseudognaphalium californicum 枯乾的葉子在炎熱的夏季會釋放出令人愉悅的香味,有人說它聞起來像楓糖漿。這是一種你可以介紹給他人的植物,他們很可能會因為那種香氣而記住它。它原產於從華盛頓州到下加利福尼亞州的北美西海岸。花序是一簇寬大的頭狀花序,每個頭狀花序都包裹在一排排亮白色的葉狀體中。它有幾個俗名,女士煙草、加州兔煙草、加州鼠麴草和加州永生草。

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Photo Date: 2023.03.08 Location: Santa Fe Dam, California

Notes 筆記

  • Pseudognaphalium californicum (syn. Gnaphalium californicum) is a species of flowering plant in the family Asteraceae known by several common names, including ladies' tobacco, California rabbit tobacco, California cudweed, and California everlasting.
  • It is native to the west coast of North America from Washington to Baja California, where it is a member of the flora of many habitats, including chaparral.
  • Pseudognaphalium californicum is an annual or biennial herb growing a branching stem reaching 20 to 80 centimeters in height. The green herbage is glandular and scented. The leaves produce a distinctive citrus aroma.
  • The inflorescence is a wide cluster of flower heads, each enveloped in an involucre of rows of bright white phyllaries. The inflorescence looks odd because it lacks the ray flowers typical of the Sunflower family. Clusters flower heads (ranging from 3 to 8) are made up of mostly a yellow spot of disk florets surrounded by an urn-shaped involucre. The white part of the flower head you see are not petals but phyllaries (individual bracts) that protect the disk florets. You would need a magnifying glass to observe that there are more than 100 disk florets of two types - one is bisexual and the other lacking stamens.
  • Pseudognaphalium californicum (又名 Gnaphalium californicum) 是菊科的一種開花植物,它有幾個俗名,女士煙草、加州兔煙草、加州鼠麴草和加州永生草。
  • 它原產於從華盛頓州到下加利福尼亞州的北美西海岸,可生長在許多不同種的地型,包括灌木叢。
  • Pseudognaphalium californicum 是一種一年生或二年生草本植物,分枝莖高達20至80公分。綠色草本植物有腺體,有香味。葉子有獨特的柑橘香氣。
  • 花序是一簇寬大的頭狀花序,每個頭狀花序都包裹在一排排亮白色的葉狀體中。花序看起來很奇怪,因為它沒有向日葵科典型的射線花。簇狀頭狀花序(從3到8個不等)主要由黃色圓盤小花斑點組成,周圍環繞著甕狀總苞。您看到的花頭的白色部分不是花瓣,而是保護花盤小花的葉列(獨立的苞片)。你需要一個放大鏡才能觀察到有兩種類型的100多個圓盤小花,一種是雙性的,另一種是無雄蕊的。

References 參考資料

Plants Posts 植物的帖子