Plant: Brown-eyed Primrose (Chylismia claviformis)

Brown-eyed primrose is found across western North America from the Pacific Northwest to northern Mexico. The upright stems of chylismia claviformis are topped by a one-sided cluster of nodding white or pale yellow flowers, brown at the center, hence the common name of brown-eyed primrose. There are eleven subspecies of chylismia claviformis, many with distinct ranges, differing in hairiness, petal color, glandularity, and leaf characteristics.
Brown-eyed primrose 它分佈於北美西部,從太平洋西北部到墨西哥北部。Chylismia claviformis 的直立莖頂部是一簇單側低垂的白色或淡黃色花朵,中心是棕色,因此俗稱棕眼報春花。有11個 chylismia claviformis 亞種,它們有不同的分佈範圍,在多毛的性質、花瓣顏色、顆粒和葉片特徵方面各不相同。

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Photo Date: 2023.01.06, 2023.03 Location: Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, California

Notes 筆記

  • Chylismia claviformis is a species of wildflower known as browneyes or brown-eyed primrose native to North America. This species is found across western North America from the Pacific Northwest to northern Mexico.
  • It is an annual plant growing from a basal rosette of long oval leaves and producing stems often exceeding half a meter in height. Atop the stem is an inflorescence of one to many primrose blooms, each with four white or yellow petals. The pistil may be quite long and has a bulbous stigma at the tip. The stamens are somewhat shorter and they bear long hairy anthers containing white or yellow pollen. The floral axis at the junction of male and female parts is bright red to maroon or brown.
  • Chylismia claviformis 是一種野花,被稱為棕眼(browneyes)或棕眼報春花(brown-eyed primrose),原產於北美。 它分佈於北美西部,從太平洋西北部到墨西哥北部。
  • 它是一種一年生植物,從長橢圓形葉子的基部蓮座叢中生長出來,莖的高度通常超過半公尺。莖的頂部是一朵或多朵櫻草花(報春花)的花序,每一朵都有四片白色或黃色的花瓣。雌蕊可能很長,頂端有一個球根狀的柱頭。雄蕊稍短,長有毛茸茸的花藥,內含白色或黃色花粉。雌雄部分交界處的花軸呈鮮紅色至栗色或棕色。

References 參考資料

Plants Posts 植物的帖子