Bird: Western Tanager (Piranga ludoviciana) 黃腹麗唐納雀

Although this male Western Tanager has an orange-red head and brilliant yellow body, I only see it quickly poking its head out of the branches. When I readjust my camera settings, I saw it jump upward to the treetop but I am unable to locate it. I know the pictures are not clear but I just want to make a note of it so I might notice it again the next time.
這隻雄性黃腹麗唐納雀雖然有著橙紅色的頭和亮黃色的身體,但我只看到它迅速從樹枝中探出頭來。 當我重新調整相機設置時,我看到它向上跳到樹梢,但我再也找不到它了。 我知道這些照片不清楚,但我只是想記下它,以便下次我可能會注意到它。

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Photo Date: 2021.07.05 Location: Peck Road Park

Notes 筆記

  • The western tanager is a medium-sized American songbird.
  • A male Western Tanager has an orange-red head, brilliant yellow body, and coal-black wings, back and tail. Females and immatures are a somewhat dimmer yellow-green and blackish.
  • Western Tanagers are common in western conifer forests during the breeding season. They can be hard to see despite the males’ bright colors, so listen for a loud, hoarse, rising-and-following song of two-, three-, or four-note phrases. They also have a distinctive chuckling or rattling call. They usually forage in the upper parts of conifers.
  • The breeding range of the western tanager includes forests along the western coast of North America from southeastern Alaska south to northern Baja California, Mexico.
  • During breeding season, Western Tanagers eat mostly insects. They also eat fruit, especially during fall and winter, when it may dominate the diet.
  • Male sings during late spring and summer to defend nesting territory. Early stages of courtship may involve male chasing female among the trees. Nest site is usually in coniferous tree such as fir or pine, sometimes in aspen, oak, or other deciduous tree.
  • Western tanagers migrate alone or in groups of up to 30 birds. Protracted migration lasts late in spring and begins early in fall, with some birds seen away from breeding areas as late as mid-June and as early as mid-July.
  • 黃腹麗唐納雀是一種中型美國鳴禽。
  • 雄性黃腹麗唐納雀有橙紅色的頭部,亮黃色的身體,以及煤黑色的翅膀、背部和尾巴。 雌性和未成年的是有點暗黃綠色和黑色。
  • 黃腹麗唐納雀在繁殖季節常見於西部針葉林。雖然雄性顏色鮮豔,但它們很難被看到,因此注意聽由兩、三或四音符組成的響亮、嘶啞、起起伏伏的叫聲。它們也有獨特的咯咯笑聲或嘎嘎聲。 它們通常在針葉樹的上部覓食。
  • 繁殖範圍沿著北美西海岸從阿拉斯加東南部向南到墨西哥下加利福尼亞州北部的森林。
  • 在繁殖季節,它們主要吃昆蟲。它們也吃水果,尤其是在秋季和冬季,因為水果可能是它們的主要食物。
  • 雄性在春末和夏季鳴唱以保衛築巢領地。求愛的早期階段雄性可能在樹林中追逐雌性。築巢地點通常在針葉樹上,例如冷杉或松樹,有時在白楊、橡樹或其他落葉樹上。
  • 黃腹麗唐納雀單獨遷徙或者成群(最多30隻一起)遷徙。拖延持久的遷徙可在春季後期一直到秋季初開始,而其它一些鳥類最早在6月中旬和7月中旬離開繁殖區。

References 參考資料

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