Bird: Muscovy duck (Cairina moschata) 疣鼻棲鴨

On January 28, 2022, my husband biked at the Santa Fe Dam and he saw these two Muscovy ducks. He was so excited to share these photos with me. The first time that I saw Muscovy duck was in January of 2018 at Peck Road park. I can’t help but look at Its unforgettable red, strange wart-like face several times. The male Muscovy Duck is the largest duck in North America. This is an aggressive duck; males often fight over food, territory or mates. Muscovy breeds are popular because they have stronger-tasting meat—sometimes compared to roast beef. White Muscovy duck was introduced to Taiwan in 1962. It is currently the main force in the market due to its high economic value and availability. It is used as the paternal line of hybrid ducks. This kind of duck is used in the ginger duck in Taiwanese cuisine. Aztec rulers wore cloaks made from the feathers of the Muscovy Duck, which was considered the totem animal of the Wind God, Ehecatl.

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Photo Date: 2022.01.28 Location: San Fe Dam
Photo Date: 2018.01.03, 2018.01.26 Location: Peck Road Park

Truly wild individuals are restricted to south Texas and points south, but domesticated versions occur in parks and farms across much of North America. Wild Muscovy Ducks are glossy black with bold white wing patches and are forest dwellers that nest in tree cavities. Domesticated birds are dark brown or black mixed with white, particularly on the head.

真正的野生種僅限於德州南部,但馴化種出現在北美地區的公園和農場中。 野生疣鼻棲鴨是有亮黑色,帶有醒目的白色翅膀斑塊,是在森林樹洞中築巢。馴化種大多是深棕色或黑色混合白色,特別是在頭部。

Photo Date: 2023.02.17 Location: Santa Fe Dam

Notes 筆記

  • The male Muscovy Duck is the largest duck in North America. Males are about 30 inch long and weigh up to 15 lb. Females are considerably smaller which is roughly half the males’ size. Their plumage can be extremely variable, but look for the largest, longest-necked ducks and check their faces for red, warty facial skin. Truly wild individuals are restricted to south Texas and points south, but domesticated versions occur in parks and farms across much of North America. Wild Muscovy Ducks are glossy black with bold white wing patches and are forest dwellers that nest in tree cavities. Their range expanded into Texas in the 1980s; feral populations also exist in Florida. Domesticated birds are dark brown or black mixed with white, particularly on the head. Other colors, such as lavender or all-white, are also seen.
  • The species was first scientifically described by Carl Linnaeus in his 1758 edition of Systema Naturae as Anas moschata, literally meaning “musk duck”. It was later transferred to the genus Cairina, making its current binomial name Cairina moschata.
  • This non-migratory species normally inhabits forested swamps, lakes, streams and nearby grassland and farm crops, and often roosts in trees at night.
  • The Muscovy duck’s diet consists of plant material obtained by grazing or dabbling in shallow water, and small fish, amphibians, reptiles, crustaceans, insects, and millipedes.
  • This is an aggressive duck; males often fight over food, territory or mates. The females fight with each other less often. Some adults will peck at the ducklings if they are eating at the same food source.
  • This species, like the mallard, does not form stable pairs. They will mate on land or in water.
  • In the U.S., Muscovy ducks are considered an invasive species. An owner may raise them for food production only (not for hunting).
  • Muscovy breeds are popular because they have stronger-tasting meat—sometimes compared to roast beef.
  • Aztec rulers wore cloaks made from the feathers of the Muscovy Duck, which was considered the totem animal of the Wind God, Ehecatl.
  • White Muscovy duck was introduced to Taiwan in 1962. It is currently the main force in the market due to its high economic value and availability. It is used as the paternal line of hybrid ducks. This kind of duck is used in the ginger duck in Taiwanese cuisine.
  • 雄性疣鼻棲鴨(俗稱麝香鴨、紅面鴨、番鴨、薑母鴨)是北美最大的鴨子。雄鴨長約30英吋,重達15磅。雌鴨要小得多,大約是雄鴨的一半。它們的羽毛可能非常多變,但是是最大、脖子最長的鴨子,而且它們的面部有紅色肉疣。真正的野生種僅限於德州南部,但馴化種出現在北美地區的公園和農場中。 野生疣鼻棲鴨是有亮黑色,帶有醒目的白色翅膀斑塊,是在森林樹洞中築巢。它們在1980年代擴展到德州。佛羅里達州也有野生種群。馴化種大多是深棕色或黑色混合白色,特別是在頭部。還可以看到其他顏色,例如淡紫色或全白。
  • 它首先由卡爾·林奈在1758年版的《自然系統》中應用科學方法描述為 Anas moschata,字面意思是“麝香鴨”。它後來被轉移到疣鼻棲鴨属(Cairina),使其目前的二項式名稱為Cairina moschata。
  • 這種非遷徙物種通常棲息在森林沼澤、湖泊、溪流和附近的草地和農作物中,在夜間經常棲息在樹上。
  • 疣鼻棲鴨的食物包括在淺水中的植物,以及小魚、兩棲動物、爬行動物、甲殼類動物、昆蟲和千足蟲。
  • 這是一種好鬥的鴨子。雄鴨經常為食物、領地或配偶而爭鬥。雌鴨之間的爭鬥較少。如果它們在同一食物來源吃東西,一些成年鴨會啄小鴨。
  • 這個物種像綠頭鴨一樣,不會形成固定的配對。它們會在陸地或水中交配。
  • 在美國疣鼻棲鴨被認為是入侵物種。人們可以飼養它們拿來食用(但不能用於狩獵)。
  • 疣鼻棲鴨品種很受歡迎,因為它們的肉味道濃,有時可與烤牛肉相比。
  • 阿茲特克(Aztec)統治者穿著由疣鼻棲鴨羽毛製成的斗篷,疣鼻棲鴨被認為是風神埃赫卡特(Ehecatl)的圖騰動物。
  • 白色番鴨於1962年起引進臺灣,因經濟價值和可用性,它是目前市場上的主力軍,做為雜交肉鴨的父系之用。台灣菜中的薑母鴨用的就是這種鴨。

References 參考資料

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