Bird: Cinnamon Teal (Spatula cyanoptera) 桂紅鴨

The Cinnamon Teal is unusual among ducks: it has separate breeding populations in North America and South America. It breed and molt in freshwater wetlands in western North America. It is hardly seen in the east coast of the US. Cinnamon Teal is a small dabbling duck. These birds feed by dabbling. They mainly eat plants; their diet may include mollusks and aquatic insects.

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Photo Date: 2021.02.24 Location: Santa Fe Dam, California
Photo Date: 2021.03.19 Location: Santa Fe Dam

Notes 筆記

  • Cinnamon Teal is a small dabbling duck. The adult male has a cinnamon-red head and body with a brown back, a red eye and a dark bill. The adult female has a mottled brown body, a pale brown head, brown eyes and a grey bill.
  • Their breeding habitat is marshes and ponds in western United States and extreme southwestern Canada, and are rare visitors to the east coast of the United States.
  • Cinnamon teal generally select new mates each year. Like many duck species in North America, Cinnamon Teal perform courtship displays and form pairs from late winter into early spring. Pairs may be monogamous for the breeding season, but at least some males copulate with multiple females in a season.
  • They are known to interbreed with blue-winged teals, which are very close relatives.
  • They are migratory and most winter in northern South America and the Caribbean. Some winter in California and southwestern Arizona.
  • Females select the nest site, usually beneath dead marsh grasses that are less than 2 feet tall, not far from water. In the northern part of the species’ range, nest sites are selected so that they are warmed by the sun in the early morning and shaded in the afternoon.
  • These birds feed by dabbling. They mainly eat plants; their diet may include mollusks and aquatic insects.
  • 桂紅鴨是一隻小的鑽水鴨。雄鴨頭部呈桂紅色,棕色的背部,紅色的眼睛,黑色的喙。雌鴨有深棕色斑紋狀的身體,淺棕色的頭,棕色的眼,及灰色的喙。
  • 它們的繁殖地是美國西部和加拿大西南部的沼澤和池塘,是美國東海岸的稀客。
  • 桂紅鴨通常每年都會選擇新的配偶。像北美的許多鴨種一樣,桂紅鴨會展示求偶動作,從冬末到初春結成對。在繁殖季節中,可能是一夫一妻制,但有時有一些雄鴨會與多隻雌鴨交配。
  • 桂紅鴨與藍翅鴨親緣關係接近,兩者會雜交。
  • 它們是候鳥,冬季時常在南美北部和加勒比海。有的冬季會在加州和亞利桑那州的西南部。
  • 雌鴨選擇巢穴的地點,通常在不到2英尺高,離水不遠的枯死的沼澤草下面。在其分佈範圍的北部,選擇巢穴的位置會在清晨時被太陽曬熱,在下午時能被遮蔭的地方。
  • 它們藉涉水取食。主要吃植物,它們的飲食也包括軟體動物和水生昆蟲。

References 參考資料

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