Before we drove on Glendora Mountain Road on Sunday (2023.02.19), I saw these clumps of Desert Bluebells mixed with California poppies, which were bright and beautiful. The flower has a bright blue bell-shaped corolla. This annual herb is native to the Mojave and Sonoran Deserts in California, and it is commonly cultivated as an ornamental.
2023.02.19 星期日,在我們要上 Glendora Mountain Road 之前,看到這一叢叢沙漠藍鈴花夾雜在加州罌粟花中,隔外鮮艷美麗。它有鮮藍色鍾形花冠的花。這個一年生草本植物原產於加州的莫哈韋沙漠和索諾蘭沙漠,也常栽培為觀賞植物。
Photo Date: 2023.02.19 Location: Southern California

Notes 筆記
- Phacelia campanularia is a species of flowering plant in the borage family, known by the common names desertbells, desert bluebells, California-bluebell, desert scorpionweed, and desert Canterbury bells. It is native to the Mojave and Sonoran Deserts in California, and it is commonly cultivated as an ornamental.
- This annual herb has a loose cyme of flowers. The flower has a bright blue corolla which can be bell-shaped, funnel-shaped, or round and flattened. It grows in dry, sandy places below 4,000 feet (1,200 m).
- The juice, sap, or hairs may cause irritation or a skin rash and should be washed from skin as soon as possible.
- Phacelia campanularia 是琉璃苣的一種開花植物,俗稱沙漠鈴、沙漠藍鈴、加州藍鈴、沙漠蝎子草和沙漠坎特伯雷鈴鐺。它原產於加州的莫哈韋沙漠和索諾蘭沙漠,也常栽培為觀賞植物。
- 這種一年生草本植物有鬆散的聚繖花序。 花有鮮藍色花冠,花冠可以是鍾形、漏斗形或扁平圓形。它生長在海拔4千英尺(1,200 公尺)以下的乾燥、多沙的地方。
- 汁液或茸毛可能會引起刺激或皮疹,應儘快從皮膚上洗掉。
References 參考資料
- Wikipedia: Phacelia campanularia
- California Native Plant Society Calscape: Desertbells
Plants Posts 植物的帖子