Bird: Grey treepie (Dendrocitta formosae) 灰樹鵲

Walking nearby Taipei 101, I guess I may have heard the call of the Grey treepie before I looked up at the tree. Its calls must be very special and loud, otherwise I won’t notice it in the noisy street. The grey treepie is largely arboreal. They spend most of their life in trees. They are omnivorous birds.

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Photo Date: 2022.07.19 Location: Taipei 101, Taiwan

Notes 筆記

  • The Grey treepie, also known as the Himalayan treepie, (Dendrocitta formosae) is an Asian treepie, a medium-sized and long-tailed member of the crow family.
  • The grey treepie is largely arboreal. They spend most of their life in trees. They are widely distributed along the foothills of the Himalayas in the Indian Subcontinent and extending into Indochina, southern mainland China and Taiwan.
  • Grey treepies are omnivorous birds mostly thriving among dense foliage and in forests. It eats a wide range of insects and other invertebrates, berries, nectar, grain and other seeds, and also small reptiles, eggs and nestlings. They sometimes take part in mixed species flocks with laughingthrushes.
  • The voice is described as harsh and grating. Its call is very easy to attract attention, in addition to the frequent grating k-r-r-r-r sound, other melodious notes such as tiddly-aye-kok, ko-ku-la sound that can travel far through the woods.
  • 灰樹鵲,又稱喜馬拉雅樹鵲(Dendrocitta formosae)俗稱山八哥、咖咖仔,是亞洲樹鵲,中型長尾的烏鴉科。
  • 灰樹鵲主要是樹棲的,一生大部分的時間都在樹上活動。牠們分佈於印度次大陸喜馬拉雅山麓,並延伸至中南半島、中國大陸南部和台灣。
  • 灰樹鵲是雜食性鳥類,主要在茂密的樹葉和森林中繁衍生息。牠吃各種各樣的昆蟲和無脊椎動物、漿果、花蜜、穀物和種子,也吃小型爬行動物、蛋和雛鳥。牠們有時會與噪鹛混在一起。
  • 牠發出的聲音刺耳。牠的叫聲很容易吸引人的注意,除了常聽到嘎嘎嘎嘎的急促聲,另一種嘎哩歸的鳴叫聲帶有奇妙又明亮的金屬音,能穿透樹林傳得很遠。

References 參考資料

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