I have only seen the Brown Pelicans near the Pacific coast of Southern California. They are found on the Atlantic Coast and along the Pacific Coast. It is darker in color and smaller than the American White Pelican. The Brown Pelican is the smallest of the eight extant pelican species. The brown pelican is a piscivore, primarily feeding on fish. They feed by plunge-diving from high up. I remember seeing a brown pelican on Long Beach, California swooping down to eat fish every once in a while, very interesting. The brown pelican is a very gregarious bird. It is a colonial species.
我只有在南加州的太平洋海岸附近看過褐鵜鶘,它們分佈在大西洋沿岸和太平洋沿岸。它身體的顏色比美州鵜鶘黑些,也比較小,褐鵜鶘是八種現存的鵜鶘種中最小的。褐鵜鶘是一種食魚動物,主要以魚類為食。它們通常從高處俯冲水裏進食。我記得在加州長堤 (Long Beach)看到一隻褐鵜鶘每隔一段時間便往水中俯衝吃魚,非常有趣。褐鵜鶘是一種群居的鳥。它是一種集群物種。

Notes 筆記
- The brown pelican is the smallest of the eight extant pelican species, but is often one of the larger seabirds in their range nonetheless. Like all pelicans, it has a very long bill. It is found on the Atlantic Coast from New Jersey to the mouth of the Amazon River, and along the Pacific Coast from British Columbia to northern Chile. Five subspecies of the brown pelican are recognized. These subspecies are genetically distinct despite a similar phenotype. Different habitats allow to recognize them.
- The brown pelican is a piscivore, primarily feeding on fish. They feed by plunge-diving from high up. The closely related Peruvian Pelican and the Brown Pelican are the only two species of pelicans that plunge-dive for their food. The Brown Pelican mostly eat small fish that form schools near the surface of the water. A foraging pelican spots a fish from the air and dives head-first from as high as 65 feet over the ocean, tucking and twisting to the left to protect its trachea and esophagus from the impact. As it plunges into the water using the force of impact to stun small fish, its throat pouch expands to trap the fish, filling with up to 2.6 gallons of water. They occasionally feed by sitting on the surface and seizing prey with their bills.
- Most brown pelican populations are resident (nonmigratory) and dispersive (species moving from its birth site to its breeding site, or its breeding site to another breeding site).
- The brown pelican is a very gregarious bird; it lives in flocks of both sexes throughout the year. In level flight, brown pelicans fly in groups, with their heads held back on their shoulders and their bills resting on their folded necks. They may fly in a V formation, but usually in regular lines or single file, often low over the water's surface.
- The brown pelican is a monogamous breeder within a breeding season, but does not pair for life. The male chooses a nesting site and performs a display of head movements to attract a female. It is a colonial species, with some colonies maintained for many years.
- The brown pelican is the national bird of Saint Martin, Barbados, Saint Kitts and Nevis, and the Turks and Caicos Islands, and the official state bird of Louisiana, appearing on the flag, seal, or coat of arms of each.
- 褐鵜鶘是八種現存的鵜鶘種中最小的,但常是在它的活動範圍內較大的海鳥。像別的鵜鶘一樣,它的喙很長。從美國的紐澤西州到南美的亞馬遜河口的大西洋海岸以及從加拿大的不列顛哥倫比亞省到智利北部的太平洋海岸都可看到它。褐鵜鶘有五個亞種。 雖然外表類似,但這些亞種在遺傳上是不同的,可以從不同的棲息地來識別它們。
- 褐鵜鶘是一種食魚動物,主要以魚類為食。它們通常從高處俯冲水裏進食。和褐鵜鶘密切相關的秘魯鵜鶘是僅有的兩種俯冲水裏覓食的鵜鶘。褐鵜鶘主要吃在水面附近的小魚魚群。當覓食的鵜鶘在空中看到一條魚,便會從海面上高達65英尺的高度頭朝下潛入水中,向左蜷縮和扭動以保護它自己的氣管和食道避免受撞擊,然後跳入水中利用衝擊力將小魚打暈,它的喉囊會膨脹裝滿多達2.6加侖的水來捕魚。它們偶爾會坐在水面上並用喙抓住獵物來進食。
- 大多數褐鵜鶘是留鳥(非遷徙的)和分散的(物種會從它的出生地移動到它的繁殖地,或者從它的繁殖地移動到另一個繁殖地)。
- 褐鵜鶘是一種群居的鳥。它整年都生活在雌雄兩性一起的群裏。在平飛時,褐鵜鶘成群結隊地飛行,頭靠在肩上,喙擱在折疊的脖子上。它們可能以V字隊形飛行,但常排成規則的數行或單行,低飛過水面。
- 褐鵜鶘在繁殖季節內是一夫一妻制的繁殖者,但不會終生配對。雄性選擇築巢地點並展示頭部動作以吸引雌性。它是一種集群物種,一些族群可維持多年。
- 褐鵜鶘是聖馬丁 (Saint Martin)、巴巴多斯 (Barbados)、聖基茨和尼維斯 (Saint Kitts and Nevis)以及特克斯和凱科斯群島 (Turks and Caicos Islands) 的國鳥,也是路易斯安那州的官方州鳥,出現在州旗、印章或紋章上。
References 參考資料
- Wikipedia: Brown pelican
- All about birds: Brown Pelican
- Audubon: Brown Pelican
- 百度百科: 褐鵜鶘
Birds Posts 鳥的帖子