Bird: American bushtit (Psaltriparus minimus) 短嘴長尾山雀

I heard a chirping bird call in the garden at the LA Arboretum on February 15, 2022. I thought this American bushtit was cute even without bright colored feathers. The American bushtit is active and gregarious. They live in flocks of 10 to 40 birds. Members of the group constantly make contact calls to each other.
2022年2月15日我在洛杉磯植物園的花園中聽到嘰嘰喳喳的鳥叫聲,覺得這種短嘴長尾山雀顏色雖不鮮豔但是很可愛。短嘴長尾山雀好動喜群居,它們通常以10到40隻鳥為一組一起生活。 在群中的鳥會不斷地互相呼叫。

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Photo Date: 2022.02.15 Location: Los Angeles Arboretum

I saw an American bushtit the first time on May 4, 2020 at Peck Road Park.

Photo Date: 2020.05.04 Location: Peck Road Park

Notes 筆記

  • The American bushtit is one of the smallest passerines in North America. It is gray-brown overall, with a large head, a short neck, a long tail, and a short stubby bill. The male has dark eyes and the adult female, yellow.
  • The American bushtit inhabits mixed open woodlands, often containing oaks and a scrubby chaparral understory; it also inhabits parks and gardens. It is a year-round resident of the western United States and highland parts of Mexico, ranging from Vancouver through the Great Basin and the lowlands and foothills of California to southern Mexico and Guatemala.
  • The American bushtit is active and gregarious. They live year-round in flocks of 10 to 40 birds. They forage much as chickadees do, frequently hanging upside down to grab small insects and spiders from leaves. Members of the group constantly make contact calls to each other that can be described as a short spit.
  • Bushtits build a hanging nest out of soft materials such as grasses and spider webs.
  • For most breeding birds, only one adult at a time sleeps on the nest, but all Bushtit family members sleep together in their large, hanging nest during the breeding season. Once the young fledge, they all leave the nest and thereafter sleep on branches.
  • 短嘴長尾山雀是北美最小的雀形目之一。全身呈灰褐色,頭大,頸短,尾長,喙短。雄鳥有黑色的眼睛,成年雌鳥是黃色的。
  • 短嘴長尾山雀棲息在混合開闊的林地中,通常在橡樹和灌木叢林下。它也棲息在公園和花園中。它常年在美國西部和墨西哥高地,從溫哥華到大盆地和加州的低地和山麓,再到墨西哥南部和瓜地馬拉都可看到它們。
  • 短嘴長尾山雀好動喜群居,它們以 10 到 40 隻鳥為一組一起生活。它們像山雀一樣覓食,經常倒掛在樹葉上抓小昆蟲和蜘蛛。在群中的鳥會不斷地互相呼叫。
  • 短嘴長尾山雀用草和蜘蛛網等柔軟的材料建造懸掛的巢穴。
  • 大多數繁殖鳥一次只有一隻成鳥睡在巢中,但在繁殖季節,叢山雀全家都一起睡在它們巨大的懸空巢中。一旦幼鳥長出羽翼,它們都會離開巢穴,睡在樹枝上。

References 參考資料

Birds Posts 鳥的帖子