2023 Valentine Message 情人節訊息

I saw a Facebook post this morning. I like her messages and would like to share them with you. "This world is not perfect and even there are many sorrows and problems.  It is not resentment allowing us to overcome adversity and it is not bitterness allowing us to live, but courage and strength that come from love. Be a person with compassion and be a person who can give, only then can we inject a little bit of hope and prosperity into this ever-changing world. " Happy Valentine's Day!

今天早上我看到了一個 Facebook 帖子,我喜歡她的信息,在這裡與您分享。「這個世界並不完美,甚至還有許多悲傷和難題,但讓我們克服逆境的不是怨懟,讓我們活下去的也不是憤恨,而是因愛而來的勇氣和力量。做一個有情人,做一個可以給予的人,如次我們也才能為這個多變的世界注入一點一滴的希望與共榮。」情人節快樂!

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