
(Written on November 11, 2023) I think I should introduce myself first. My name is Peiti. I was born in Taiwan. I came to the United States after graduating from college and working for a year. I have stayed in the United States longer than in Taiwan. I originally lived in the northeast corner of the United States, but after retirement, I moved to the southwest corner of Los Angeles, California. By setting up this blog, I can document my travels, flowers, trees, birds, animals, beautiful nature, and inspirational thoughts. And in the process, I am challenged to learn, from improving the writing and communication skills, exploring the technical aspects of computer web pages and beautifying the design of the website layout, to improving skills in photography. It is full of opportunities to be challenged and to learn. I have learned a lot building a blog and had fun doing it. Due to the language preferences of my kids and friends, I write my posts in both English and Chinese. I hope this blog can also give you some inspiration to pursue things that bring you joy.

(Written on Jan 21, 2023) I have created my first blog on June 10, 2020 using WordPress.  I have written more than 600 posts.  I would like to give Blogger a try so I create a new blog in 2023 to experiment some settings and design. I will see how it goes.  

(Written on September 4, 2023) Although Blogger has many functions (subscribe, like button, Post Navigation) I haven't found the applicable program codes to solve it and the name of the blog has also changed a few times, this is my "working-in-progress" version.

(Written on October 31, 2023) I'm happy to have found several ways to improve the layout of this blog and get it closer to how I want it to look. Progress can be achieved after many failures.

(Written on May 2, 2024) I'm happy to find ways to add Like button and Previous/Next post navigation. Just want to document the progress.

Below was my original contents for my first blog post written in 2020.  Most of my posts will be in both English and Chinese.

(Written on June 6, 2020) Thoughts… Thoughts…  Thoughts… keep coming.  But no actions.  I was tormented by these inspirational thoughts and creative ideas.  At the same time I was living in fear.  Fear of failure.  Fear of nonacceptance.  Fear in my poor writing and communication skills.  Yet, thoughts keep coming.

I was using Facebook and Instagram to express these thoughts and ideas.  However, the negativity of Facebook posts turns me off.  The layout of Instagram sometimes can’t allow me to get my points across adequately.  The thoughts to create a blog came again in the morning on June 5, 2020.  A couple of hours later I took a walk in the park and asked a stranger/photographer questions about birding.  He shared Genesis 1:20 with me and said that is why he enjoys birding and taking pictures of God’s creations.  His words inspired me and confirmed that I should create an outlet for my thoughts and ideas.

At night I started playing with the layout and settings.  I do not want to wait till “perfect” then share the blog.  Why not one post at a time.  Experimenting and then perfecting.

I am a believer of Christ.  Many of my thoughts come from the base of my belief.  However, I do not want to impose my belief on anyone whose belief is different from me.  I just want to simply share what I enjoy.  I also hope to bring love, peace, joy, light and encouragement to people.

I do not know how this blog will go.  This is my first blog and first post on 2020.06.06.  Let’s see how it goes.

(寫於2023年11月11日) 我想應該先自我介紹一下,我的名字叫蓓蒂,生於臺灣,大學畢業工作一年後就到美國了,待在美國的時間比在臺灣還長,原本住在美個東北角,退休後便搬到西南角的加州洛杉磯地區。建立這個部落格可以讓自己記錄旅遊、花草樹木、飛禽走獸、美麗的大自然以及一些有感而發的想法。並且在這過程中給自己學習的挑戰,從增加寫作及溝通能力、電腦網頁技術層面的摸索及版面美化的設計,到照像取景及技能的進步,無一不是學習的機會及挑戰,它也讓我在其中學到很多也很有樂趣。由於我的孩子和朋友用不同語言的關係,我用英文以及中文寫貼文。希望這個部落格也能給你一些啟發去追求可給你帶來樂趣的事情。

(寫於2023年1月21日) 我在 2020 年 6 月 10 日用 WordPress 建了我的第一個部落格。 我已經寫了 600 多篇文章。 我想嘗試一下 Blogger,所以我在 2023 年創建了這一個新部落格來試驗一些設置和設計。 我想嚐試看看它的功能。 

(寫於2023年9月4日) 雖然 Blogger 有許多功能 (訂閱, 贊按鈕,Post Navigation) 我尚未找出適用的程序代碼來解決,部落格的名字也換了幾次,但是這就是我常常追求改進的版本。

(寫於2023年10月31日) 我很高興找到好幾個改進的方法,這個部落格的版面更接近我想要的樣子。進步是經過許多失敗後,終究可以達到的。

(寫於 2024 年 5 月 2 日)我很高興新增「讚」和上一篇/下一篇文章導覽按鈕。 在此特別記錄一下。

以下是我在 2020 年寫的第一篇部落格文章的原文。備註一下,我的大部分文章都會是英文和中文的。

(寫於2020年6月5日) 三思四念,想了又想,但是我一直沒有行動,卻被這些意念及靈感纏困著。同時我也活在懼怕中,害怕失敗,害怕被拒,害怕我不善溝通的言辭無法充分表達我的意念。然而想創作的感覺卻不斷湧岀來。

我曾試著用Facebook及 Instagram 來書表一些意念,但近來被Facebook 上太多的負面爭論,感到不自在。而Instagram 的排版有時也限制了我想表達的意念。想有個部落格的想法再次在2020.06.05的早晨飄來。當天去公園散步,看到三個中國人在等待捕捉小藍鳥被餵食的景象,我向其中一人請教觀鳥及攝影的問題,他除了回答我的問題外,還與我分享創世紀一章二十節,告訴我他觀鳥及攝影捕捉這些受造物的原由。我從他的話語中印證了應該建立一個部落格的想法。



我不知道這個部落格會是什麼樣子,就隨性吧!在這個無意間撞到的2020.06.06 開始第一篇吧!